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Hey there!

I wanted to write you guys about the fuuuuuture over here at my Patreon |3c

The digimon comic is coming to a close!, for like more than a month now I finished the storyboarding and the comic will be ending on page 77! I'm pretty sure I can do those pages before the end of the month, at least I'll push it to become a reality o3o.

I normally would have wanted to start a comic right after the current one was finished, but I have come in terms that I have way too many missing rewards to catch up with, which piles up
a lot of stress on me tbh x3;;;;. So I have taken the charministrative decision to pause the next comic until I am caught up with the rewards!

So that's to say that for one, I thank you all for the support, but if you are around only for the comics, then you might not want to stick after the end of March, since I won't be working on comics for around 2 or 3 months in a row (I do have a LOT to catch up with). That's not to say that I won't bring up conversation about the next comic project in the meantime. I actually want you guys to vote for the next comic from the tons of ideas I have xD. But I wanted to give the head's up because I'd feel bad for anyone feeling cheated for sticking around looking forwards to another comic only for nothing to come up with certeanty for those months!
I'll of course resume comics by then and you can follow me again if you want to support this char char again <3

I'll be posting on every site as usual with the announcement on the next comic, so you'll know when to come back if you only want to see my comics =w=

Pairing Polls are gonna continue as usual, but the reward tiers of $20 and $30 are gonna pause as well during these months, It'd be silly to make time to catch up and still add 10-12 extra drawings per month on top of it, I'd never catch up that way! xD
As some might be sad from losing their slots, I'll be refunding their charge at the end of the month every one of those catching up months, so they can keep their slot if they choose to keep them, otherwise anyone stepping down will have that slot closed up and I'll just reopen them once I'm caught up! (Already been doing that for a couple of months now actually owo;;; )

I might make some side stuff to make up for the lack of comic, but I can't promise anything with peace of mind, considering I should focus on finishing and freeing up my mind to finally have things all nice and proper~
I actually kinda wanted to make some telegram stickers for my supporters, even made a lil page with char char stickers to break the ice, but at the time I was already pretty full of stuff so I had to pause that xD, I even wanted to improve my pledge icons and even make a discord server, buuut stuff. Maybe that'll be part of the future~

Either ways, here I am rambling as always~, I thank you all for your patience and continued support, to everybody, peeps stayin' and the ones leavin'. I'm thankful that I have been able to make sort of a living with Patreon, and here's hoping that it gets better and cooler over here with the next comic! <3  (Really want to have regular income enough to move to an actual appartment, lol)

TL;DR : The comic will be ending this month at page 77, then I'm pausing high tier rewards and the next comic project for the months of April, May and June (2-3 months), but not poll pairing votings, to catch up with old accumulated rewards for peace of char mind. But look forwards to the next comic at the end of the catching up period!. Just a head's up, love you all!



Nope you can't get rid of this digimon. I'm here to stay, especially now that I'm employed again. I have so many ideas, I couldn't possibly give up my slot. uwu


Thanks for being so open about everything, that's really awesome. Just like my fellow blue fighter said, I'm here to stay. You won my fan's heart a long time ago, so to speak, and you can keep it. Feels good to be a little part of your journey &lt;3


Hehehe, I wouldn't have it any other way |3c, you have some pretty neat bois and ideas going in that noggin' of yours~


Daww, that's sweet Thank you for the support, as always &lt;3. Also of course I gotta be open about things =w=, I wouldn't want people to feel cheated or something...which reminds me I gotta make the announcement outside of Patreon as well, so people are aware moving forwards owo;;


What about those who are in 10$ tier? Will you still make those?


Totally! Avatars take quite a lot less time and planning than the full drawings x3, since they are mostly face/bust shots~