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And so, Deskharn found out he was in deeper trouble than he initially thought!

Heyooo there!
Reward here for SilverZero, who wanted me to draw his dragon Deskharn having an encounter with Renekton |3c
Renekton found the dragon in his turf and went to seize him, but Deskharn had a couple of tricks in his sleeve and managed to struggle enough to loosen the crocodile's undergarnments to give him a surprise footjob, in the hopes he'd be too flustered/shocked to loosen enough his grip to make an escape... which somewhat backfired. Renekton finding out the dragon wasn't a stranger to pleasing a male like himself, decided to not seize the dragon anymore but to offer him a deal...

I'm hoping I can finish another reward quickly before hopping back to the next comic page, but I'll see how it goes tomorrow on my free day, in case I can advance that reward enough to not slow down the comic page more than necessary =w=

Full res:




pretty soon that trouble is going to be deeper in him. :D