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Heyo there!
First of all, if you are here about the poll only, then go down after the line for just the poll details~
Next I wanted to apologize for the lack of art as of late and give you a little update in general.
For the past 2 weeks I have gotten into a little of a block and my output has been slowed down by a lot |3;;;, I was expecting sooo many more pics done by now instead of the basically one page and one pic per week </3

While there is nothing I can do about the time I haven't been able to work, I can say I am trying to get stuff done still x3;;;. Currently I got a little disheartened while working on the current comic page, mostly because I thought it was a bad page in pacing and all that, that it shouldn't be done, stuff like that. Thinking on changing things, thinking on how to salvage stuff has made me barely actively work on it.
By now I have managed to come in terms with it and work has resumed, but of course I already missed last week's upload because of it, so I'm gonna try finishing this page, work on one reward after and then jump on the next page already.
So there's that!

I also wanted to mention something about my life, since quite some time ago I mentioned how my mom got cancer and I wanted to see her before the surgery...well, with covid I didn't manage to go see her (Which is a blessing in some extent, because work would have surely suffered from it, understandably so) and after a lot of time with her chemotherapy, she finally had her surgery earlier this month. I forgot to update you guys on it, but she is doing fine now, mostly recovered from all the tribulations and is just stuck with some weeks of radiotherapy post-surgery. But she is gonna be tots fine and dandy <3, so no more stress about it.

That's about the life updates =w=


Now onto the poll!
I have been curious for quite some time now, but I have always wondered if you guys would enjoy it if I customized the characters I draw here, mainly the p-mon and d-mon stuff. Since they are pretty generic, sometimes I have thought on throwing a scarf or something akin, but to some extent I can appreciate them looking as vanilla as possible.
So this poll is for me to consider for future pairings in those sort of creatures, but would you prefer me to keep them vanilla or throw in some things here and there?

With that I'm going back to work |3c, hope you all are staying safe and warm over these holidays~
Take care <3


ライロス (Ryloth)

Ohh I hope your not suffering from Artist Block those are like not a great feeling. I am somewhat an artist kind of. I used to love to draw Digimon a lot at School and I had been doing that for a long time but somehow I fell off it, I still have art supplies but I am an old fashion Drawer XD I draw the characters in pencil then when I know I got it what I want it at, I trace over my drawing with a pen to make it perm because Pencils fades away over time. But yea. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/444649664583696395/794823715493117972/Sonic_in_a_pool.jpg Here is one of my art sadly this is not how I used to draw in School (One Furry art was like 100% perfect like masterpiece Furry art but sadly was lost forever *sigh* ) was a lot better than this and this was done with limited supplies so not much to work with really. I did try to impress others in another school to draw something beyond my own skills to try and say I am an amazing artist! LOL I made one mistake and like one part of the body was tilting. Opps! Not sure if I am still an Artist if I am not drawing anymore at least for now I game a lot but I do hear the art drawing calling to me from time to time. So I am a Gamer Artist? XD


I'd say what you got was less of a block and more like got disillusioned from not getting enough positive reinforcement (From peers/family) to sustain it. Which is a shame because you have potential |3c I like your Sonic~ If you got desire to go back to doing art, I'd say go right ahead!, but no need to push it if you are more interested on other stuff at the moment =w= &lt;3

ライロス (Ryloth)

I was thinking of "leveling up" to doing more than old fashion art but have to see, Might help without worrying on having an extra table for Art Supplies.