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Guilmon might be embarassed to see someone arrive after someone used his tailhole, but Agumon is more than willing to share on the delicious dick with you if you want to help him give the red lizard a happy ending <3

First poll winner from November |3c, I love me some digimon, specially guilmon~, he is one of my faves of all time *nods nods*

Now I'll be working on the next poll winner and probably I'll move to the comic next! char!

Full res:



ライロス (Ryloth)

Ha! I have a Guilmon Plushie at my desk as soon as this was posted (The Guilmon Plushie is from Japan by the way), Hes my favorite too, Sexy, Cute and just hes everything all rolled into a complete package. I carry my Guilmon Plushie with me on my pants with a makeshift collar and hook him to carry along every Saturday and OH YES I have Agumon Plushie hooked on my Nintendo Switch Bag too (Japan order as well) So Guilmon and Agumon with me! But yea I'd taste his cock any day. Also to Guilmon "From the moment I first saw that adorable face... I wanted nothing more than to see it contorted in pleasure, To corrupt that innocent, playful Demeanor"


Omg that sounds awesome, I'd love to see the bois |3c &lt;3 I'd be worried about taking a plushie outside, considering there are so many bad people out there that'd make a fuzz about it (r/entitledparents comes to mind xD), but it sounds adorable, I'd do the same if I wasn't so paranoid~ Also yeeeesh, guilmon is the best, specially thinking about introducing him to the pleasures of the flesh &gt;w&gt; I love the idea of Guilmon topping all the time~


Come on Guilmon, you dont have to be so shy.

ライロス (Ryloth)

Here is a discord link for the picture if you wish to see the plushies. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/356507032364253186/756981489207345283/20200919_165103.jpg I had no one look at me weirdly or anything, I only carried them with me if there small enough. But yea so far no one is bothered by it.


Don't worry, he'll warm up soon enough...at least more than he already is inside his booty |3c


Omg that's adorable &lt;3 That strap on guilmon almost makes him look like on a leash |3c, he seems pretty okay with it too, haha I'm happy to hear no one has said anything bad~, there is hope in the world &lt;3 Thank you for sharing, that was lovely to see x3

ライロス (Ryloth)

Here is a bit more recent and you can see Agumon already hooked to my bag. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/444649664583696395/790428217575079946/20201220_225848.jpg and here is me all ready to go https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/444649664583696395/790429163315265556/20201101_125559.png with Guilmon! But yea and Thanks! I loooove my Digimon Plushies a lot. I hope to get Gomamon Plushie then Gabumon then Vemon if you catch my meaning and not just because those three are having fun as we speak *wink wink* Hehe!


Oh my, fully decked out there &lt;3 Hubby will surely approve, since he is a sonic fan as well |3c, you even got a sonic facemask, that's so awesome xD All of you are looking cute there~, and I bet adding a couple more will surely make things more lively over there ;3. Hubby actually got me a Veemon for my birthday this year, here https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/180441335054991361/778410467776397342/WIN_20201116_184231.JPG Hopefully our bois invite us sometime to the beach next year *winky* xD

ライロス (Ryloth)

Hehe Thanks and yea I am a huge Sonic Fan, But Digimon Came first for me then Pokemon then Sonic came in last. And nice veemon. And yup XD Oh yea Shoutmon is my sexy favorite Digimon It's hard to see him because the reflection but I have the Digimon around my neck