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Sometimes playing videogames is just not enough, sometimes sharing other hobbies might make for a better time |3c

Heyo there!
Reward for Neo, who wanted to spend some special time with his boi Jordan, sharing a stall for some simultaneous penetration fun with some big bois =w=
Also yeeeah, december, can you believe it? I'm THAT behind stuff |3;;;, but char char is working on it!. Doing stuff between comic pages is really increasing my productivity in general <3, so even if I'm pretty behind, I'm confident I'll be getting there eventually~

But now, back to the next comic page!, hopefully finished before sunday, so my day off doesn't delay even further the page x3;;, lol

Full res:



Teena Turner

Now that looks quite unique and interesting


Ooooohhh man, you did amazing on this one! Jordan loves it too~ &lt;3


das kinda gay ngl yo, should get it checked out or somethin


Mmm, this hits all my yes points. I can't wait to get Pata in my clutches.


I'm glad |3c I tried to make the angle a little more different It was gonna be a little more accentuated as being under them, but I couldn't make the kissing look any good like that x3;;, lol


I loved it! I'm going to need to find a way to have you draw me even more somehow, eheh...


I heard church has these camps where you can go spend tons of time with other guys so you can learn not to be gay uwu I'll call the church police right away *Shot*