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The time for juice came and went loooong ago, now only humpin' matters~

Heeey there
Holy it too me too long to finish one page xwx, my workflow has gone down the floor and into earth's core at this point ;w;, but I'm hanging!
I spent like a day on each pannel some days on the doodling part only and the sad thing is that I don't know why this happened. Once I doodled it all digitally it took me 2 days to finish the page completely, so yeah, maybe I'm getting a little burned out of the comic atm, but stuff!
I'm totally gonna keep going, we are getting close to the end after all |3c, hopefully now that I vented I'll get energy out of nowhere to work with tons of flow like it happened the other time when I was sorta considering taking a break |3;;;;, lmao.

Love ya all for the patience as always <3, take care!

Full res:




Oh no~ Looks like Veemon is going to need even more help before going back out!


Seems that someone needs extra care (again) :3


Love the little face as it gets bigger &gt;:3 ❤️


I mean, there is an unused Gomamon butt for the taking!


Wasting all of the hard work gabumon put back there uwu, what a meanmon


Hopefully someone is responsable and takes care of it &gt;:v


I wouldn't be surprised if there was such thing as a Meanmon XD The boys will just have to continue their hard work!


The moment I reached the lower left panel... I thought I was looking into a mirror... And on the last panel, my brain instantly printed the letters "Also me:" above it. Seriously damn my hornyness.


Lmao, I feel you |3c It's hard to keep the buddy under control on certain circumstances xD


Now all we need is a funny diaper change to complete it


dooo it~ doo it~