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Heyo there x3;;;
Just wanted to update you guys because...well, I have been horrible with uploads these days.
I found myself sorta blocked for quite some days, I can't even pinpoint the reason on the why. I couldn't finish a single reward this month, so I'm more deep on my owed art xwx, but stuff, I'll get there!

Not wanting to ask for pity, ultimately I do believe it's my fault and I'm trying to compensate for it, but it's pretty hard as of late to concentrate on art. I always find myself starting art way too late and then not managing to get too much out of the way. At least I doodled one of the rewards and the 2 comic pages missing for this month. Finished one page just now even, so that's gonna be uploaded now so I can get some rest x3;;. But yesh, I'll try to work and finish next page tomorrow, but kinda not confident on being able to finish it so quickly.
Either ways, char char asks for forgiveness and thank you for all your support.

Also I'm getting the poll made to upload tomorrow xwx, I really have a problem when I tunnel so much on each project at a time |3;;;;;;

Either ways, thanks for reading and have a good day over there!, take care you all <3


Teena Turner

Don't worry you silly char. It's hard times now and if you need a rest or break you should take it. Or reduce the workload for some months. Less comic pages or polls or somthing lile that. I won't leave because you're reducing on your stress.


Pshh, well thank you for the support mister |3c It's greatly appreciated &lt;3


Hope you will be ok


I'll totally be! I just need to get more stuff done =w= &lt;3 Like next comic page! *Uploads*


I look to it now too hot and cute