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Otherwise you'll have to learn the HARD way not to screw up~ *Wink wink*

Second poll of April donezo =w=, kinda had fun drawing Ori, but for the life in me I swear I screwed something up, I feel like something is off with his proportions but I can't tell what it is xD, at least I hope it's good enough <3
Now I am wishing Ori had a NSFW version of the game a la "Oh! so hero" |3c *Shot?*

Full res:




I think you're just missing about 80% of his glow~ Looks fine to me


Damn looking this picture I reminded the last scene from the lat game and I felt bad ;-; However the art is amazing as usual

Teena Turner

Gitting gud intensifies!


Lmao, you are totally right, he a bright boi for sure! I'll make an excuse and say that he can't concentrate on being shiny for very meaty reasons =w= *Shot*


I haven't played either, but I can take your word for it xD, sorry it reminded you of it! Also thank you =w=


I'd do that to Ori too... I mean, look at that malehood. =w=


Ori has so many obstacles on his way to his goal, even allies it seems |3c