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Hey there!

Work has been going alright, I have been working almost smoothly on the piccies so far. I'm halfway on another as I write this!.
Gonna be tackling at least all the missing rewards from September before going back to the comic, then I'll be doing all 8 pages, the 4 missing for this month of november and the 4 for december before going back to the rewards of october and november...and december |3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

I'm so late you guys, I can't apologize enough for being so late.

On another end, my mother's situation hasn't changed almost at all. She has been waiting for results here, talking to professionals there. So far she seems to have a rare type of cancer that apparently makes it stand out more during scans, so there's that.
She is gonna have to go through chemotherapy and radiotherapy before the extract the cancer and she has an appointment mid december to finally settle a schedule for the chemotherapies to finally get this going. 

At the very least, in Chile, it's free to treat and operate cancer. It's just gonna be a little less perfect than doing it on a private place, but stuff, can't complain with free xD;;;, specially when each chemotherapy costs an arm and she is gonna  have to do muuuultiple ones before the surgery. So here's hopin'.

That's about the update, if you guys would like me to concentrate on something different on the art plan or you wanna suggest anything, I'm always up to hearing from you all <3

Have a good day and thanks for reading and supporting this charmeleon!




You can do it Char! I'll be waiting for your work, and I wish you and your mother all the best.

Vitrex (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 02:33:06 Daww thank you Neo &lt;3 And I hope you are looking for it, uploading yours now &gt;:3
2019-12-01 04:44:01 Daww thank you Neo <3 And I hope you are looking for it, uploading yours now >:3

Daww thank you Neo <3 And I hope you are looking for it, uploading yours now >:3