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First of all, sorry for the delay on art these days x3;;;;. not too long ago hubby had an appointment with a doctor and we had to get up at around 6am for him to make it, with us previosly all the time going to sleep at 7am pretty much, the change of schedule and tiredness has had me have a horrible sleep for quite the days in a row, sleeping 3 hours and staying awake in bed for 4-5 hours straight =3=;;;;.  So I have had barely any energy to work at all, days of the same thing,
At least seems to have passed, managed to work on this last page last couple of days, also got some progress on the next page!, so things should be coming soonish.

I also kinda wanted to make an update on my mother's condition, cancer and all. But I wanted to wait until things were more settled on stone. So it was more of a meaty update, thing is that she went through a biopsy to know the type of cancer she got so the surgeons know how to deal with it, but after 10 days of waiting for the results, all we got to hear is that she cancer looks complex and that we need to wait for them to make another check on those same samples they got to know for sure what type she has. That means another 10 days of wait.
So not much has happened, but I'll make anpther update when things are more certain.

Have a good day over there you guys, take care everyone


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