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Hello everybody

I am writting this to apologize for the lack of art these days.

I kinda don't like writting these updates with anything too big to show for it, but I thought I should be more transparent with my situation just so know I'm not ignoring my responsabilities.

Settling up on this new place hasn't been as smooth as I hoped it to be. Almost everyday there is some sort of cleaning/sorting I have had to do to improve our lifestyle which has taken some of my time everyday... that and around a little more than a week ago, my mom in Chile got her breast examination exams backs (The check ups women do to prevent stuff), aaaand it came positive for cancer.

You can imagine that sort of discovery can be a little upsetting, specially when you can't see your relative so readily to support. I was in the mindset that I wouldn't let it get to me until she knew more exactly the extend of this cancer, if it was extractable and all that. Meanwhile I had to force myself not to be too happy around with online interactions because it didn't feel right to be happy and joke-y with the current situation.

That had a weird effect. I have been lacking the will to work these days, I got into a cycle of waking up, spending the morning doing some sort of cleaning in the house until it was already lunch time, then because of the lack of a kitchen, I have been ending up getting hungry faster, since the meals are a little lacking than what I'm used to (I lost some weight though, so I take that as a positive thing at least). But the hunger distracts me from lunch, making me think on dinner all the time after. It's only after dinner that I try to focus on working, whiiiich doesn't happen too often. I have spent 3-4 days in a row without drawing anything.

Mom's cancer ended up being a little bad, not sure how so, she didn't give me any detail when asked about it. But she is gonna undergo surgery to extract it and chemotherapy to end it with. I'm sorta confident that it sounds like she can get better from it, even knowing that a person that had cancer has more chances of it appearing again. Luckily she has the money for the surgery already, so I won't have to do some acrobatics to get money for that (Was kind of a worry).

So yeah, since yesterday I decided to not limit myself on my own mood and hoping that I get more drive to finish eeeverything I'm missing so far. I still have around 6 rewards from August to finish and haven't even started with the ones this month. I'm very sorry for the delays, I understand some of you don't mind, but if you want me to refund you or stop supporting, I can understand. Just know that I am not gonna just up and not take care of these responsabilities. I'm here to make all the art and comics I can!

Take care everybody and have a good day.



I’m really sorry to hear about that diagnosis... I’m really hoping the surgery goes well and she makes a full recovery! We understand you got complex stuff right now, I hope things slowly get back to normal for ya <3


We are here for you! I don't mind waiting because not only it pays off with your art being amazing as it always been, but taking care of yourself and your family always come first. Take it slowly, and don't worry because some of us will always stick by to continue giving you support. Hope things get better soon!


Thank you very much, I'm getting into art a little more these days, so things are getting better on that front. Mom is gonna go on a biopsis this friday to know the type of cancer to know how the opration will be, so here's hoping


That's very sweet of you, I appreciate it a lot. Honestly what bothers me the most is that I'm letting people down with not having art, since this is my job. But stuff, I'm getting more into art now so I'll try to get back on my feet super soon!, thank you for the support <3