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Heyyyooo, Vitrex here!.

I'm sorry for the lack of art as of late, but I'm quitting art, so kthxbye!
Just kidding of course XD, what's going on is that I'm a stubborn charmeleon and I like going from one "device" to the other. I draw on paper first, then I scan things and then I work on them digitally, so I'm right now on the process of finishing ALL the sketches for this month |3;;;;. I already finished 7 and am missing 4 as of this moment. so it shouldn't take thaaat much longer (Even if I wanted to finish all of them in one day...like 4 days ago ;w;)

So art is coming, just give me a little more ;w;.
Also with all of that I'm also delaying the next comic a little, but I want to at least have the cover for the next one before the end of the month. It's gonna be interesting to say the least =w=....I think, haha~

Thank you for your patience, char out!



We believe in you~ <3


Take your time, no worries! <3