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With the comic finished, I'm gonna concentrate right now on catching up 100% (Which is just 2 pics missing from last month) and then I'll tackle everything from this month >:3.
I think I'll make a back cover for the comic before starting a new one though, but after that, it's a new journey <3

Also I have come to the realization that there is no real gain/advantage with making both polls in separated moments of the month!, so I'll be making both one after the other X'D.



Oh, the comic is over D= I thought you'd end it on a threesome =P


That was such a sweet ending to the comic &lt;3


Hahaha, I thought about it but I figured it'd make it a little disjointed, specially because the original draft ended sorta like it did now, so I would have ended up having to figure out the new scenes |3c, better leave it in case in the future people might want a continuation


Hehehe, why thank you~, it just had to end with a joke and cuties, it had to =w=