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Heyo there~
I gave myself a day to work on a new banner to change a little the look of the patreon XD, hope it's a little better than the tacky thing I had before, haha.

Either ways, I'm feeling very pokemon happy right now, so I'm gonna have a pokemon poll to begin with, but not any poll, I wanna make an orgy like the char char orgy I made quite some time ago, so vote away =w=



Where are the dewotts, the quilavas, the scrafties, the gators, where are they!


....LOL, I totally didn't think about those!, I used a pokemon random generator to find a cute pokemon to use XD. Maybe I can make another orgy next month and have those cuties come on in~


Where's Scorbunny!???! What kind of poll is this.


Lmao, I did think about it, but then I thought about how we don't know the rest of the evolutions and thought it'd be boring to only have first stage scorbunnies XD