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Hey everybody <3

First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for still supporting me even if I went silent last month like, completely ;w;. I would have never forgotten about all of your rewards and things, of course, I'm working on them and trying to catch up.

I don't post usually WIPs, but I want to let you know that I am not talking out of my bum |3;;;, I am working on the patreon. I just wanted to have a substantial amount to update you guys. It's my bad, I always feel like just saying I'm working without proof seems more like making excuses. So I prefer to try to work on things instead of updating, I'm so sorry.
The WIPs from top and from right to left are; A commission with Aurelion Sol and Kog'maw, a commission between my charmeleon and 2 characters from Eraquis, the poll winner Stitch x Felix being naughty~, patreon reward for Bluevmon and finally below patreon reward for neopatamon <3.

For the people who want to know what happened to me (and don't mind reading a bible worth), it was a multitude of things |3;;;;;. So if you want to know my excuses...

What happened, was that at the start of the month, I was alright, I finished the commission with gomamon and finished another commission (Which I couldn't upload here nor on FA because it has a human, but if you want to see it, I just uploaded it on e621, just look for my name there). So after that, I decided that I wanted to play a game on the side while working, since it had been a while since I played one... I decided to pick up Final Fantasy 8 because I had already played it in the past and thought on seeing again why people hate it when I remembered that I liked it a lot and also thinking that since I already played it, that I wouldn't get absorbed by the game and be able to leave it at will.... I was wrong |3;;;.
My grinder side got the best of me and I spent DAYS just playing it ;w;.

Okay, there arrived a moment when I was like "STOP THAT", so I tried working on drawing, but the commission I had at the moment involved Aurelion Sol from League of legends, for the people that don't know him, he is a very complex looking character, but at the time I found it a fun challenge owo;;;, well, what happened is that I just could not draw him, I got an artist block from trying and trying to understand him from references. I had something not too bad at some point, but then something else happened.

My husband arrived home with a stray cat ;w; ;;;;. Since no one knows here, our appartment has 3 rooms, counting the bathroom, it's very small and we barely have anything here. So like, we have no space for a cat (Since I don't like animals on the dinning table or our bed when we sleep), he brought the cat home because on his way home from uni, he found a lady with the cat, she couldn't find a place for the cat and he didn't want to leave him there, so they decided to keep the cat with us meanwhile we (along the lady) found the owner or a new owner... So what did that mean?, I literally couldn't do anything for 4 days straight.
My husband had classes and I was the only one to stay with the cat because of that, so I had to watch for the cat not getting on our dishes or the table, which was mostly avoided with the poor thing to come rest on my lap, which translated on 4-5 hour sessions (with like 15-20 min breaks) of me just sitting awkwardly on my chair with the cat resting on my legs, paralyzing them. I couldn't play or draw, since I had to be on my side to let the cat on my lap.
We found the real owner at least, but by the time that was done, the end of the month was approaching by a week or so ;w;

So now I was stressing because I had not done the rewards, the commissions and stuff, so I had to try finishing the commission (Which I managed to do since the champion got on the free rotation in the game, which let me see him with all detail I needed) which was pretty hard, but went smoother now. So here I am, trying to catch up, trying to do everything at once because for a part, the commissioner has been waiting for quite a lot AND you guys also deserve your rewards, plus the poll drawing also needed to be done |3;;;.

Uff, that's a lot of stuff. I had a pretty weird month |3;;;;;;, I know it's mostly excuses, I'm sorry for not saying anything too, it's just I always went from one development to the other thinking "I can still finish things <3", to find another problem right after.
Anyways, I'll keep working, thank you for your unconditional support. I won't let you guys down anymore ;w;




Take your time dude, we all get distracted sometimes XD &lt;3