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It'll take more than hilting that butt to make him drop those gunslinging skills~
Try harder newb!


Second pairing of May! I had trouble with this one because I had forgotten the position I wanted Gnar and Meow to be in was the same one as the previous piccy between the Gumdramon and Riolu!, so I had to come up with something new and man, it took a while but I got there at least x3;;;;. Had to come up with a silly scenario and even a little BG to justify it a little more!
Not helping with how late the piccy was finished by adding said BG, but I'm mad like that |3;;;;, lol
I hope it's good for what it is! xD

Since it took me so long to finish this, I'm gonna be jumping straight into the comic instead of other rewards xwx, maybe I'll finish these 2 pages before the end of the month and I'll be able to tackle a reward or 2 before the end =w=, we'll see!
Char char!

Full res:



Holly Ortiz

I never expect than gnar was more pro with a Dick in his butt uwu I love it ~ especially cuz is Gnar. Vitrex I love your art ~ Hope youre fine! Big hugs.


Is he... shooting through the windows on the Moon ?