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'He's fallen asleep hasnt he?'



oh man I was thinking earlier ;A; about these three

and imagining Gladio and Ignis kind of like using prom as a replacement for noct while hes in the crystal but in that "we need someone to dote on and protect" feeling without realizing it

PARTIALLY brought on by that silly ff7 video

with one of them slipping up and calling prom noct

and like I fully see it as a subconscious thing

but still 




Yeah, ow

You know Prom would take it the wrong way






just imaging Prom realizing, taking it the wrong way, and /internalizing/ it. He wants to tell them but he also doesn't want to loose the care. its the best care he's ever experienced in his life. but he's fully prepared himself (or so he thinks) that when Noct cones back, all that care will stop and thats alright. he'll be fine! totally. 🥲 imposter syndrome hitting hard.. all because he's actually being treated well without having to work twice as hard for even half of it. 😭

Carla Rivera

ohhhhhhh my god that hurts to think about, now I would really love to see his immediate reaction/expression when they accidentally call him noct 🥺


Yeah he'd, you'd wonder if they would even notice when they do it. He would probably also realise how much theyre missing Noctis so he wouldnt want them feeling bad for it but is fully aware that he's a place holder...but what else is new right? Thank you!


He's probably so used to keeping stuff to himself that he would barely react but wow that would be something he'd be thinking about every night as he tried to sleep.