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Im of 2 minds of how this goes - I imagine Clive is a bit older here - he's spent his time in the army avoiding situations like this as best he can.


So 17yo Clive and 12yo Dion who is training in the army. Probably heard the commotion and came to investigate - he's always had a bit of a hero complex even as a kid.
He wouldnt allow anything like this to happen either - like just TRY and fight him.

Later when Dion joins their side Clive mentions this instance to  him and Dion is probably torn that he can't really remember Clive - he tended to often step in in those instances but never got close to the people he helped ether - he would have turned and walked away immediately after the guy left.


Clive panics and loses himself and uses his Eikon to fry the guy and Barnabas/Ultima seize their chance to steal Clive away. Maybe Ultima is a little wary of young Clives survival rate even AS Ifrit so he thinks perhaps they can brainwash/control Clive into fighting on Barnabas' side.
Which could be a fun dynamic later with Cid and his history there.


Clive is well able to fight and once the initial shock and fear wears off he kicks ass.



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