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Where Phoenixgate doesnt happen and Joshua becomes the Archduke and Clive his shield - Ifrit awoke with more control on Clives part because he wasnt in such a life threatening situation.

Having 2 fire dominants make the brothers the most eligible pair probably have suitors from all sides but Prince Dion is the only one they've entertained any interest in.

Clive asking Joshua how he feels about his potential betrothal - 'You mean ours? we will not be separated and if  Prince Lesage wants either of us he must accept both'




I'M IN LOVE. i picked up the game again finally last week and hnnnnng it's so emotional


I love this happy life for them! And the potential of a TriDisaster hehe. THEY'RE JUST SO SWEET TOGETHER HERE, MY HEARTTT! I love how you draw them!


Awww where are you in the game? Im still STRUGGLING through hard mode and i need to get my FF7 save from my PS4 to PS5 for the incoming new game ;___; FF Please give me 12 months between games - like will i even have reached the DLC by the 29th XD


I love adding all the fave characters *throws Cid and Gav in the mix too* Like imagine Dion, Joshua and Terence having a side situation and Clive does with Cid and Gav too 8D The other 2 get a bit jealous because while they understand the hypocrisy theyre probably not seeing Clives adoring gaze on THEM for what it is anymore - just so used to it. But it's 'Cid this - Gav that' and theyre...jelly 8D Cid would be amused as hell and probably play it up. Clive arrives the next day with a bit of a limp - 'your boys show you who's in charge?'