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'Ignis How am I....your eyes??'

'Sleeping Beauty wakes at last-'

'Oh! Your friend has finally woken up!'


when i was drawing the copy of the other i had that dialogue pop in my head

Okay so heres storytime

Noctis wakes and has a freakout when he realises that hes still there because his sacrifice was essentially a transaction with the powers that be so that everything would right itself with the world


Unknown to everyone Prom had time in Altissia to chat with Luna

And she clued him in on how things were going to go ten years down the line

And told him the only way they could save Noct would be to offer up something of equal value

So he goes for a life for a life

Probably tricked them into hearing him out and accepting his request to offer an alternative

But the gods are spiteful

So they decide 'Yes, we'll take your life but youre going to be there to torment all of them

And if you start to regain your memories it will HURT you

which in turn will hurt them so they will be forced to stay away from Prompto

Prom and Luna had foreseen this possibility

He had probably worded it in such a way that they thought they were one upping him

But he had put the thought in their minds

and he said 'what if i DO overcome the memories - what then?'

'Well if you succeed in that then you are deserving of keeping them

So he just has to endure the pain

He's possibly arranged somethign with Aranea - shes gonna come and abduct him and force him to remember

Maybe it involves something in the MT facility

To keep him alive through the pain

So yes, he does manage to get him memories back and goes to find the others

I imagined Gladio being like 'so this lil shit has been scheming this whole time'

They could probably sense Prom was antsy about something

And he somehow tricked them into undoing some of Ignis' damage

The Gods are pissed but begrudgingly respect Prom playing them, it is not easy to pull one over on a God

And like imagine if Luna was going to end up as a God as compensation for the life she led

Like if the gods are related to the summons

maybe they can nominate someone and Shiva hasnt used her right in a long time

So she puts Luna on the Board of Management XD

So when Prom regains his memories they MAD and they want to do somethign to the others but shes like

nope 8D its all fair and on your terms SOOOO


But yes theres a LOT of angst

because Proms also been deaged so he probably struggles initially to fit back into their poly dynamic

The boys also probably found comfort in eachother


They all decided all or nothing if Prom cant be a part...but is that shitting on all he did for them to be where they are and be alive

So maybe it more Gladnis and occasionally Noct

theres so much guilt

Imagine Prom coming back and he's like


And they immediately know

and they all live happily every after

Imagine all the girls - Cindy, Aranea, Holly

Theyre all like


Iris would be 'older'

And she would lord it over him

it would be such a fun dynamic

Cor is just like ughh hes even cuter




De-aged prompto my heart❤️


Prom's faaaace!! He's to stinkin' cute! He's a national treasure and should be protected at all costs


LOLOL Yes, he's going to be so spoiled by the others - just one pout and theyre kowtowing to his every need