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I want to actually colour it so just grey with no text tonight 

Page 1:

The gist of the dialogue is Prom telling Noctis that he's realised hes not okay with being a secret but he understands why he must be so he's breaking up with Noctis for both their sakes.

Noctis is dumbfounded so doesnt react at all to begin with.

Prompto tells them that they will be fine but he just needs a little time.

Noctis calls Ignis to collect him

Page 2:

Prom is moping watching his fave show when it cuts out with a special broadcast (was the timing on purpose because Noctis knew Prompto would be watching TV at this time...yes.)

Noctis starts a speech about his role currently as Prince and in the future as King and the importance of honesty 

Prom sees that he's wearing the necklace.

Theres 2 more pages to this that concludes the lil story - honestly I posted the wip FOREVER ago and forgot about it.

(Both my parents have Covid atm so I've been trying to stop them SPREADING it XD My mom keeps trying to go cooking and its like...unless the mealplan is covid for the rest of us...you CAN'T so i've taken over. Today is the first day dad seemed like he was getting over it while it was one of moms worse days but they're fine - theyre very lucky that this is their first time getting it when its covid lite vrs covid OG)




I'm not crying, you're crying!


A COMIC omg omg we have been blessed. Noct’s face on the phone… so subtly panicked and confused (and heartbroken already perhaps??) waaaah


Awww! I drew it a LONG time ago but i left it sitting on my desktop so i would never forget it. Gets me back into the rhythm for getting back to another comic XD Noct definitely was blind sided by this