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'Scientia's far too soft on you, youre a disgrace'

in his day thats how kids were taught

I figure Ignis is on a diplomatic trip or some rare family time where hes visiting his fam

and as he's leaving he's like 'please behave yourself for whoever is assigned'

and this guy leapt at the chance

personally offered his expertise

he also would first chip away at Nocts confidence verbally before he ever raised a hand

Like Ignis would get back and Noct would be the perfect Prince

Like he's gone through a metamorphosis 

i dont imagine this is something that happens that often either

Noct is a quick learner with the correct motivation

I also imagine the person to notice would be prompto

Hes the master of hiding suspicious injuries

'Bro, what happened to your face'

'Ahh, training with Gladio got a bit intense yesterday XD'

Prom 'oh yeah? he never does pulla punch does he?'

Prom like, the same Gladio who was with me yesterday huh?

but of course he wouldnt say anything

he would just observe for a while

He'd probably go to Cor

Be like 'SO, I think this is the due process???'

'Cmon Argentum, spit it out, I dont have all day'

'Right! I think someones bullying the Prince???'

'You think or you know?'

'I don't have proof. But hes showing signs.'

Cor would be like

'Get out of my office D<'

And then check CCTV

Hes going straight to Regis when he sees evidence because he wants this to be dealt with the maximum force

Guys going to recieve a sentence and be stripped of all his titles


but also sir... what kind of dumbass

does this shit infront of the cameras


I imagine Regis was probably brought up with a bit of tough love in the learning dept

so the guy thought he would see it from his POV

Regis learned alright, learned that is no way to teach

You should be doing something because you agree with it, not because you fear the consequences




I ABSOLUTELY love this and I love the idea of it being an after thought from Cor like "wait, that kid knew the signs..." And Prom having to be like "oh, lucky guess, haha!" Iggy being LIVID to learn WHY Noct has been on top behavior. And trying to learn the bad stuff while also keeping the good. That's tough.


"You should be doing something because you agree with it, not because you fear the consequences" DAMN I felt that. Love the picture and the story makes it 5x better


Yessss I def imagine Gladio and Ignis would probably feel a bit like...'How did Prompto notice when we didnt?' Theyre supposed to know every detail of Noctis' life. I think how hedgey Prom gets about it would clue them in - that and everyone is suddenly on high observation mode after this. Helping Prom would probably feel like redemption - too bad he would like them to pull their noses back in...respectfully


Man Ive seen so much about bad parenting and teaching and this is one of those things. Someone who learns because theyre afraid of someone isnt learning it because they enjoy/agree theyre doing it to survive and they also wont retain it.


Oh, yes. Respectfully. 🫢🫠 Prom like "ya know what, glad Noct is ok. Gotta go... Somewhere. Not here. Uh, bye!"