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'Just say the words and I'll accept them'

'I have something to tell you Prompto...'

'Oh, me too actually.'

Breaks his heart

'Uhh...w-what did you want to tell me?'

'Doesnt matter anymore'

Depending on the kind fo au

ABO - 'Im pregnant'

Or he's unwell

Maybe he got offered a position somewhere but he was going to turn it down

they had said they'd squeeze him in in the Insomnian office

so many possibilities

and the sickness could be scourge, MT related, regular illness that requires a donor of some sort

with Nocts leverage that would have been easily found

(Noct definitely does not want to do this either)




*distant screaming getting louder* THE DONAR IDEA MADE ME THINK OF PROM LYING IN A BED, TOO SICK TO CARE FOR HIMSELF ANYMORE, AND NOCT FINALLY BEING CALLED LIKE "HELP HIM, PLEASE" 😭😭😭 And the guilt from both sides is ASTOUNDING given that Noct wished he knew sooner, but feels like he had no right, and Prom feels like he's just becoming a burden again and feels like he should have done a better job of hiding. That broken look in the second panel just screams "you can't come back. cuz if you do, i won't know if its real" y'know? Like. Noct now knows about him being sick and wants to help but is that /the only reason he's back?/ How is Prom supposed to know? He looks so abandoned. 🫠


Yeah i think prom would have taken such a hit to his confidence, he probably had worked so hard on his self worth. But he loves noct so much he wouldn't want him and his new beau to be burdened by Proms illness. Maybe as he digresses the negative thoughts kick in, everyone will be better off without him. Oh man imagine noct taking him in to care for him and prom having to live in a place with noct and his new love interest, the jealousy. Because you know it was all to produce an heir and noct still adored prom even as he broke his heart. He just had to put his duty first and he knows of he didn't end things prom would have put up with being his side piece and he would rather he found happiness even if noct couldn't have it himself. 8D


With the jealousy, I feel like his will to survive would take a big hit. Like, Noct took him in to help him but he's really just hurting him more. Prom caught between trying to get better to get out of Noct's hair but also /not/ getting better because his mental state is so bad. 😩😭😭😭