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"Who is this guy? The chancellor is paying a LOT"

"Shut the Fuck up - hes NOT paying us to ask questions."

"Geez, sorry."


i hope they get their asses kicked for this. 

i can just imagine the conversation around this job being like "3 of us for one scrawny kid" and then prom nearly beating them/escaping and they're like "yeah ok, we probably could have used 4" 


I do like that


thats changed the whole story in my head

Initially I had the boys saving him

So i imagined this was in Lestallum and Pro is after having an argument with the boys

So he's stormed off to clear his head and thats the only reason they get the jump on him is because he's lost in his own thoughts

As they're leaving they pass a plant worker who passes on to Holly - 'those kids that helped us with teh power plant - I saw some guys with the blonde kid and he didnt look great....'

And Holly's like 'Right, thanks - they were heading in this directions?? Okay I'll let the others know'

And she goes tot he hotel to find them and theyre still stewing a bit and when theres a knock at the door they assume Proms come back *at last* 

And then it's holly telling them about what the worker saw and theyre FRANTIC because whatever disagreement they had is starting to feel really insignficant with Prom in danger

Cut to the guys

Like you were saying Ellay 

Maybe they saw the weedy blonde and totally underestimated him - Ardyn has STRESSED to restrain him well but they were like pshhhh he's a whole twig

So its minimal - hands tied and legs too but Prom is crownsguard trained and he's gotten out of much stronger bonds

So he does - struggle ensues

He kicks ALL their asses

Like maybe there was even a bigger gang of men but 3 had went to do the job so as not to stand out too much as a bit GANG of niff men

Prom wopes the floor with all of them - finds out who had paid them and h e's like 'honestly - Im gonna let him find you and you can explain this to him and he ties them up PROPERLY and starts to make his way back to town

He's probably a bit woozy from being pistol whipped to knock him out when they caught him and hes also fought a lot of men

He probably sustained some injuries so he's definitely running on fumes as he heads back

Fumes and STILL IN A SULK at the others

Because this is now ALSO THEIR fault XD#

So he's almost back to town and sees the others cominf busting out in the regalia so he thinks

Im gonna be SO FUNNY

and sticks his thumb out like he's hitchhiking

And they're like no TIME FOR HITCHHIKERS RN

and like imagine the faces as they drive by and glance at the hitchhiker XD

like Slo mo O_________O x3

the screech of tyres XD

And Proms just standing there hands on his hips before he's like



and starts walking back up the road towards lestallum XD

Them driving alongside him pleading and apologising and he's like 'FINE, youre on forgiveness probabtion because Im actually going to fall over - out of m y seat Noct D<'

Noct just scrambles to the back seat like a puppy trying to please their owner

But yes they apologise lots, forgiveness and aftercare happens

Happily ever after




Love me some badass Prom stories 🥰🥰🥰 this is lovely!


The story is so cute! I cracked up at the O_______O