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February was a bad month mentally but then to just really cap it off our dog died on monday.

It was just a horrible accident , she was really old and honestly without the care she got she probably would already have passed naturally.

She was deaf and she didnt hear a car so yeah.

Fortunately our 2 other dogs are fine since. One is a setter like the little old lady and they're known for being very low on the dog intelligence scale which is a blessing probably

And the sheepdog just saw them both are sheep so shes kind of used to sheep moving around i guess? 

But yeah im kind of sad atm and my art will probably reflect it a bit but...we all love angst here so X''DD that will probably work in our favour.

Love you guys, thank you for always supporting me. 



I'm so sorry for your loss. It's horrible when a pet passes and that is a heartbreaking way to lose one. February has been a rough one. Please take time to rest and recover. Make space for the grief. I hope March is a month that will bring you more happiness and peace after this long winter. We'll be here to support you as best we can. Take care!


Thank you ♥ I'm surely due a bit of good karma (especially since i also still have the cough from december 8D) I really appreciate your kind words - im ok 90% of the time and then it just hits like a wave and washes away again after a bit.

Parmelde Lorntiere

I'm so sorry. :( *Hugs* take whatever time you need. Just want to send you some love. 💜 (And no we won't mind the angst)


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take care of yourself and know that I'm sending you lots of love and good thoughts. Your wellbeing is more important than providing art for us, so please prioritize yourself! (But yes, I'm always happy with angst.)

Asidian Morris

Oh no, that's awful news. I'm so sorry to hear this. It's always hard to lose a pet. Hang in there and take care of yourself. :<