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'Commander Argentum returned from his mission your Majesty'

'Ah yes, i ran into him briefly earlier, thank you for informing me'


ran into his face with his own

Proms like 'You couldnt wait 2 hours???'

'I waited 2 WEEKS!'

i feel like sometimes for Noctis being on the throne is filled with huge gaps of boredom

Just being a symbol for people

Prom hardly felt the 2 weeks because he was run off his feet



like meetings and audiences arent really

what he wanted with life XD

they'd be BORING



ad then at times having to do things he doesnt agree with but will have the better outcome in the end

Maybe he >__> helps things along

Sends Prom undercover to speed up dealing with some insurgents

like theres some very powerful people he kind of HAS to appease

but then oops what do you mean you were attached and threatened while you were out

and now you REALLY need our protection and treaty

and some suspect hes doing it

but theres no proof



8D Imagine!

They storm in and accuse him

Have had photos sent to them that show what could be prompto

And he's like 'Those are some very dangerous claims youre making....'

'Especially considering Prompto is right here???'

He has a clone he has contracted to stand in as Prompto from time to time

A Stone faced Prompto walks into the throne room

And the guy pales

The pictures are from 30 minutes ago - theres no way

Noctis is like 'Seems someone is trying to frame my Commander and cause unrest....'

'O-oh that must be it y-your Majesty, m-my apologies'

'I can understand how you came ot this conclusion but I will have to reconsider the terms of our alliance...'

Later hes on the phone to Prompto - 'YOU LIL SHIT'


and like a little subterfuge to keep the peace


'Oh yeah no, dont worry Noct its not like they KNOCKED MY HOOD DOWN WITH A CLUB





“Ran into his face with his own” smooth 🤣🤣🤣 ALSO *goddamn* sir Prom’s shoulder holsters! ALSO ALSO Noct looks so joyous & relaxed awwww 🥰


P.S. I’m still loving the way you draw hair - Prom’s messy ponytail! 😁