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Super Boyfriends to the rescue

'Take him to Gotham General - I'll deal with these'

'Make sure they regret it'

the story is playing out in my head while im drawing

Afterwards Dick coming and punching Bruce

'Did you know?? Did you know this was a possibility????'

'Dick, I promise you I didn't'

'Your promises are worth nothing!'

'Dick, stop.'

'Tim you don't have to always defend him!'

'Dick *I* knew there was a chance'


Dicks too used to Bruce being opportunistic

Like theres clips of Bruce growling 'Why was no one guarding my son?'

Because Tim was certain they would go for Bruce so he made sure they were surrounding him

'Mister Wayne, Im sorry but visiting hours are over....'

'Youre welcome to tell him to leave'

'Go'way I'm staying here'

'My father will make a donation as apology'




Bullet shield *and* cuddly feel-better plushie, all in one convenient package! :D


Ohhh the way he's hunched under Kon 😍 being shielded and trying not to fall over while Bruce has to act like /Bruce/ and not like Bats oh BOY


This is so goood 'A' The expressions and that pop of red. I love 8D


Yesss its not often Bruce is caught off guard and it would probably take him all kinds of bad places