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'I think it would be best if you took a few days off'

'we're mad at you because of whatever you're currently not welcome - go home and think about what you did cold shoulder'

i would have put Cor as more 'chin up, we'll revisit this in a few days when everyones tempers are less volatile'

Following Cors suggestion Prompto does stay at home and his mood transforms from despondent and miserable to anger because he's done nothign wrong but he feels like he's perpetually trying to prove himself in this friendship and that despite everything the others cant see past his origin

Its like theyre waiting for him to show his true colours as a villain because thats what Niffs are in their eyes and in their upbringing so they trust anyones words over him

He's probably created a little bit of suspicion himself where he's clearly been caught in lies a few times but most of that was trying to save his parents reputation because a child shoudnt be living alone for months on end and working when theyre underage or when theyre of an age to work - working in placed theyre STILL not of the right age for but the times suit his school schedule.

this has probably been happening for a sufficiently long time that Promto goes - I've had enough - Ive let myself be a doormat to this for long enough so I'm drawing the line in the sand and this is it.

He's probably dealt with such an amount of prejudice in his time there that he decides to leave insomnia altogether - not just resign from the crownsguard.

Initially I had thought to have him just disappear but then I was thinking of him having this blog that he's always kept

So he makes it his thing - he's always been pretty anonymous on there and it has gained traction - no one knows its a Niff running the account and he'll keep that to himself for a while longer.

I also had this idea of hims like...getting this name while he's travelling 'The Unlikely Oracle' or somethign like that 'The Angel Prince' 8D because he helps EVERYONE he comes across that need help and he's careful with his identity just in case the others are looking for him so he doesnt want to leave his name in places.

Perhaps the boys know of his blog so after they realise he's gone - the truth comes out and they see how they misjudged him - maybe he couldnt resist leaving a letter for Noct, its found along with the one he's left for his parents for whenever they come back.

The true state of Proms living situation comes into focus and the boys are tying up all kinds of plotholes that they had when it came to Prompto - how he always seemed to not have money when he was out with them - they thought he was leeching off Noct of COURSE

So yes - They can't go after him - in a perfect world they would ride off in search but they all have work that needs to eb done in Insomnia. 

Maybe Noctis does try to send someone to find him (Nyx maybe?? MAYBE HE EVEN FINDS HIM AND LIES TO NOCT??) but they have to appease their worries by following Proms blog. Maybe someone even makes the connection between the blog and all the articles about the good samaritan.

Will the be reunited when they go on their roadtrip?? How far has Prom gotten at that point.

I figure he works on a freelance gig with Vyv because he also follows his blog.

Either way Prom is a bit lonely but he's also happy.

Maybe unknown to Noct (PROBABLY KNOWN TO LUNA) Pryna and Umbra have been coming and going with Prom






I have no idea if this AU is new or not but I'm so in love with Prompto having his own little journey. It can literally be the beginnings of a fanfic. I wish the best from Prom omg


Haha I start a new au every second day XD I just have a lot of ideas when i start drawing, thank you!