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"Hows the steak?"

i had this whole scenario in mind

I dont think Ardyn follows through with anything after this - he's just trying to set a scene

So Ignis wakes up in a room - probably partially undressed

Let his mind make leaps

And of course he's Ignis so he's going to follow up on this through the proper channels

Only when he's tested for drugs theres nothing

Which im imagining is because ots some new Niff drug that Insomnian tests wont find

So then Ardyn plays the victim

Falsely accused when they were trying ot foster relations with Insomnia

Ignis is made out to be someone who saw his chance for a quick windfall

and had a bit too much to drink

Ignis is dragged through the mud

Treated like he went there with this intention and threw himself at Ardyn

But then later they have an AHA moment - maybe some Niff doctors are like HMM WELL....

They could get a quick pass out of Niflheim

and the blood samples are still on file 

So it all comes out


good, ignis would not be happy with that on his name


Definitely not and for someone who believes in honesty and justice he sees how it can be such a farce


ooh disillusionment yes


and like the boys would believe him without doubt but maybe theres people he trusted who are like

'This has gone too far Scientia - you need to come clean'

maybe he forces the wine on ignis so his blood alcohol content would also be HIGH




Oh goodness, the perfect ingredients here to cause a right scandal. Poor ignis. This is so prettyyyy. Ardyn's expression in that last panel and then the way Iggy is just out 'A' ahhh