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i was also imagining like - theyre very tentative friends at this point

Gladio and Cor playing back the CCTV

'Please give him a crownsguard training application?????'

saw him following Noct like a creep so also followed

Gladio was like 'That scrawny blonde kid - I dont believe you!'  

imagine if

this 'teacher' was playing the long game

Like there was a vetting process before Noct went to the school but the teachers that were there 10 years were barely glanced at

but this guy had issues with regis and as soon as he had a child he was like

'He'll def be put into this school

like a teacher that was hired between Nocts middle school years was more thoroughly checked

and anyone very recent was borderline interrogated

but the long term staff it was assumed they were just ...alright

like maybe he lost family

and it was no fault of regis' but thats not how he sees it


yess grief is a weird thing like that



So he bides his time

Proms probably noticed some weird looks


one of those "a son for a son" kind of things?


yeah pretty much

Maybe hes the son left parentless 

so he will see the parent left without a son

i think he would have to FIGHT to stay in school

Imagine Ignis' face when he sees him


yesss they're all going to be on very high alert


like to be honest

Prom having that ability would also raise red flags because hes a niff

that prejudice seeping in

i just pictured them questioning him

And hes like '😨 I just...really like WWE...'

them finding a very convenient cctv cam pointing in the direction of Proms home

and the view in the window at night XD

Prom doing dives off the couch

Elbow drops onto the cushions



prom the unsupervised child XD


his internet search

WWE fanfics


'We checked your browser history'

'...................okay you dont need to lock me up because im gonna go up on the roof and JUMP'

'Honestly you watch less porn than most boys your age'


'Oh and one more thing'

'Havent I suffered enough??'

*hands him the crownsguard application form*

'please think this over carefuly'





Noct looks…kinda into it, under the freaked-out-ness, tbh 🤣


Prom launching himself off his couch 😂 love the idea of him just /knowing/ how to do this stuff but doing it in real life is a whole other thing! Promise being like "are you ok Noct? 😮" Then immediately being like "wow, that WORKED? 😳"


Poor baby!!!! ALSO!!! DTOVE 1HOUR AND BOUGHT FF15 FINALLY!!! The store I ordered from didn’t have it so they returned my money… BUT MY CHOCOBRO’S ARE FINALLY HOME!! So excited! I’m Prom cheering right now lol!

kaciart (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-20 07:21:22 OMG HERE YOU GO TO TRAUMA TOWN I MEAN...have fun playing....>__> How are you getting on so far?
2023-02-16 16:06:28 OMG HERE YOU GO TO TRAUMA TOWN I MEAN...have fun playing....>__> How are you getting on so far?

OMG HERE YOU GO TO TRAUMA TOWN I MEAN...have fun playing....>__> How are you getting on so far?


Avoiding the main quest for as long as I possibly can and doing all the side quests so I don’t have to make my babies suffer lol