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I was imagining a scenario where Prompto got invited to a house party which was unusual in itself but he was so desperate to fit in that he didnt look too deeply at it.

He asked Gladio if he would pick him up after because he's also not an idiot and has training the next day so he wants someone who will actually drag him away without judgement (Ignis) or joining him (Noctis)

But he's been brought there as a bit of a party piece. He's plied with alcohol until his thoughts start to get hazy and he's not sure what's going on anymore. They didn't bank on Prompto going home early so when Gladio arrived Prom had a bunch of people sitting around him swapping his drinks for full glasses while they sipped.

They scatter like startled birds when Gladio gets there, running ot hide until he's picked Prom up and left.

They didnt realise that Gladio *observed* the scene before interrupting and once he had delivered Prompto to Ignis's caring arms he would be back for a "chat"

The chat might also involve law enforcement.




So sweet! The way Gladio touches him is just perfect


Yessss, I honestly like to draw a bunch of different Gladios but I think he would really be the best friend in a pinch


This is amazing :o I love caring + protective gladio sm