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'Do you know whose scent this is?'

'Stinks like Gladiolus'

'N-Nyx XD'

Hes like 'you dont need me to scent you anymore'

Prom panics

'I DO!'

'I'm just joking!'

i was imagining a scenario where they dropped some clothes over and Proms like

'YUCK' to one item

And Ignis is like 'W-what?'

Like less of a blatant 'ew gross' but like nose wrinkles up and hes like 'you can take this one back...'

Hand over his nose

Ignis is all *surrepticiously smells* and is mortified

sex stains on it

But then slightly offended

'You don't like the scent of your potential mates?'

but like for Prom who isnt involved, clothes with that scent are really uncomfortable to him and honestly offensive

Like enforcing the fact he isnt a part

Like Nyx scolding Ignis

ignis boldly stating he didnt notice because its a scent that is prominent in the boys when theyre around him

Imagine if there was a tentative exchange where prom would give something of his

and Nyx is like 

*strips shirt off*

'His scent is on this'

Prom covers his eyes

Ignis is scandalised

'This is highly inappropriate, Ulric'

Imagine Prom is like attracted and his scent reflects and Nyx is all 'My bad, Prompto why dont you give Scientia the one youre wearing?'

Prompto's arousal to another alpha

Whispering to Prompto to just trust him


yeesss lots of alpha posturintg


Not so nice when its turned on them

Prompto would be much more discrete he would change behind a screen




How could you do this to me, this is my favourite au 😭 There's so much HERE I can't even. I love me some polyship but I have to admit that I'm loving the dynamic between Prom and Nyx in this. Prom's panic at Nyx's joke about no longer needing to scent him is so sad and sweet. 'm also geeking out about possible cultural differences again - Prom seems so easily scandalised by Nyx's remarks about Gladio's 'stink' and Nyx whipping off his shirt, and then Prom changes behind a screen and it's all so much to dine out on. Like, is Nifflheim more conservative in this au, particularly with regards to expectations of propriety from omegas? I feel like maybe Nyx is aware of that while the boys aren't. And omg the absolute party foul that is Ignis giving Prompto 'soiled' clothing - again I'm kind of picturing this is being perceived as a much graver insult to an omega in Nifflheim, which again, the boys just don't get. Tbh, I understand how he feels, it's only going to exacerbate his feelings of rejection, and then for Ignis to get all offended about Prompto not enjoying their scent?? That boy's feelings are getting the better of his intelligence and I'm v much feeling Nyx having to scold the emotional intelligence back into Ignis! PS Prom's hair is beautiful and the way Nyx looks at him in that oversize t-shirt 😭😭


Yes yes yes! It's exactly like you were thinking - prompto has been raised to be quite subservient too in niflheim - like omegas are made to feel like they're less when treated right they are the power in a pack. So they're kept pure and if they even think of fooling around they're shamed. Which means heats are there to suffer through until an alpha comes along and then they have almost Stockholms to whatever alpha comes along because they're like a saviour from the suffering no matter what kind of a dick the alpha is. Basically very backwards socially and Noct and co. would scoff at that kind of regression so prompto is this roll-your-eyes naive Prince that they've made all kinds of assumptions about. Yes to the soiled clothes too, like ignis just groans like 'save me from prudish princes' i definitely think the abo side of them can control them at times, like promptos learned to stupid his but worth how free Lucis is they defer to their baser instinct on occasion. No shame in sex and stuff like that. Nyx is from a border town so there's probably a better mix of cultures so he's got a greater understanding and consideration for prompto, but also knows how to get to both xD


The hair 😍