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When youre about to go to bed for the night and your house gets burgled....that word looks so wrong XD. ANYWAY I imagine Prom's house has been marked as not always having people in it. 

I was imagining Prom would be the kind to be very careful with electricity usage - he would make sure to turn off the lights if he wasnt in the room or if he could get what he needed without turning them on. He would be very conscious of the impending electric and heating bill. He'd put on extra clothes rather than turn on the heating.

Maybe there was an instance when he was first being left alone where he was using it like a normal persona nd his parents just didnt pay it and he couldnt so it got cut off and he has to live without until they came home or noticed and gaslit him to make him feel like it was his fault.

But yes the house seems fairly unoccupied or theyve noticed its almost always just a teenager so he's easily subdued.

But therein lies another problem with Prompto - I feel like he would put himself in harms way for his parents stuff because he thinks 'oh well they'll be mad if their stuff is taken so i should try and stop them.

And then its a case of how badly they leave him - and they still take everything of value. Is it so bad that Noct calls over when he hasnt heard a peep from him in 2 days or does he miss a day of schoola nd show up the next day covered in bruises and is very unconcerned with his wellbeing and more about the fact that stuff was stolen.

Lots of fun things to think about


(Hopefully drawing with Jas int he morning and slowly getting back to a better pattern - Right now Im set up at a dining table surrounded by my boxes. At least the worst part is over!)



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