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I know you all love Dad!Cor...I generally tend to err on the side of....promcor XD but this idea popped into my head.

Cor going into a room and theres cages, maybe the doctors/scientists in the facility tried to cover up what was going on by disposing of the test subjects but Prom was in transit and when the person got there they didnt have time to waste on him.

That or they were soft for Prompto which...understandable.

So Cor gets there and there's this one lonely little boy locked in

For maximum angst I was imagining them removing the ports when he's brought to Insomnia and he's got these scars that he either cant explain or wont explain to the boys.

You can just imagine how horrified Cor would be because in their slip up they've exposed themselves. You see cages for experiments and go 'Animals? D:' Depending on how active Regis was in this mission - if he was there Cor would seek him out because he's got that baby experience.

Ahh imagine Prompto being brainwashed to fear Regis - like shown images and hurt along with them so he associates Regis with physical pain. Twisting in Cors arms and clinging.

Maybe because of Promptos identifying numbers they realise thats what the numbers ont he tapes correspond to so they grab some to bring with them so they can better understand what he's gone through.

All the hurt



Heike G
