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im imagining they dont have time to go get him

So Gladios like 'Noctis I'm SORRY, but we have to go - I'll send someone for him

like theyre outnumbered by an mt ambush

So they do send someone to look for him, but he has amnesia

'Hey Prompto welcome back'

He doesnt react


'Who's that?'

Cor finally looks up from his paper

imagine if 

the memories he wakes up are from his childhood in Niflheim

i was also thinking

Would Iris be THAT bothered by Prom being an amnesiac?

Like shed care but it also leaves Noctis a lot more available

Jokes on her tho because now he will be WAY more devoted and worried

like shes only 15

At that age while shes a smart kid

shes all puberty

'Are you Lucians?'



Asidian Morris

God the way he hit in that one panel is just awful. This is excellent, I flinched a little looking at this.


ohh ohhhhh you HURT ME I have this burning need, to see Gladio's face when Prom slipped from his grasp ; A;