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Oooh Noct's in a suit so is this happening at some sort of diplomatic event?


i was thinking something like that milo

Like Noct taking his fathers place at an event in Niflheim

Ardyn was being a creep and Noctis essentially did the

'Do you not know who i am?'

And the phrase that kept playing through my mind was Ardyn being like

'Such arrogance from a whelp, your whining is tiresome'

I also have this image of Iedolas sitting and watching while continuing to eat

And after when Noctis goes to storm out

He's manhandled back onto his seat

and told 'Eat the food you were served you ungrateful brat'


Utterly humiliating


Exactly milo

Having to choke it down

Because Ardyns like 

'Can the child not feed himself - should I cut your food into bitesize pieces and hand feed you?'

But yes Noct definitely cries angry embarrassed tears in his room later




Yes please. 😍🥰😍


I love Noct's surprised and slightly worried expression here! Fantastic as always


This was such a joy to watch you draw! I was so nervous when I posted my ship prompt, but now I'm so glad I did <3


Ooh this kind of reminds me of the idea you mentioned recently about Niflheim and Lucis doing a prince swap for diplomatic/PR reasons. Prompto being astounded and confused by the reverence and general kindness with which he's treated, meanwhile Noct is shocked by his reception. Noct realising that this is how they treat their own prince/why prince Prompto is the way that he is.


Oh gosh this is so good, noct's shock and ardyn's disdain is so good.


That's such an amazing connection...yesss i love that. Because when i was drawing i was thinking like... would he not have a guard in the room but if it was the exchange then he would probably not or they wouldn't be in every space he goes. Thank you!


Yes, hes definitely never been treated like this before Thank you!


Thank youuu. Hes so used to his status being of highest importance