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Another reason for the exclusively FF7 pics tonight. Its Drai's bday today (27th) and any day is a reason to tell Drai how amazing she is but todays a little more special.

I cannot put into words how important Drai is to me. I love you beb! You are an incredible talented, caring, kind human being. You fill so many peoples lives with joy and I would be bereft without you! SMOOCK!




Awwww, what a lovely birthday present! 🥰


Julieee 'A' my babies I love them so much. I keep sitting and staring at it ;A; I just love so much that they're listening to music together ;A; I adore how big that sweater is on him too. He looks so comfy and Aiden looks so content just to be there with him ;A; this is so good. Thank you so much beb SMOOCK!