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cloud moves to a new neighbourhood and tis like a harem game


you have the girl next door - Aerith

His bff Tifa

The Bartender where she got work

The creepy businessman

The local gang - the turks

'you dont look old enough to drink here, ID!'

Sephiroth trips him up

*catches* 'How clumsy~~'

zack strikes me as like

3 different part time jobs

and Clouds like oh! its you...again??

like Aerith asks Cloud to drop in to the flower shop she owns so she can give him back something she borrowed

and Zack is watering flowers


hahaha he's just everywhere

but like he strikes me as the person with all the jobs because he cant sit still, not so much the need


Gives Cloud a flower and Aeriths like

'Ahh cuteeee, thats coming out of your wages xD'

'Wheres your sense of romance???'

'In the cash register'

also exactly drai

i didnt see him as needing the money

hes just adhd

likewise you could visit where he worked the next week and he would no longer be working there

hes so impressed with himself and clouds like




Asidian Morris

Oh my god, these are all so cute. I would be so here for this harem game.