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he probably hasnt had a decent nights sleep in a while


imagine werewolves who can 'smell' fear

Im imagining here that Stiles dozed off in a pack meeting

and they left him sleep

And he whips up

he's looking at something they cant see or is it just remnants of the nightmare

They probably werent taking him seriously up until this point

'Youre not real....'


'Ca-can you see her?'

'Theres no one there Stiles...'



cause my mind jumped to either her or him seeing himself when he was possesed (not for this pic but love this!!)


And she starts crawling towards and he turns and pressed his face to Derek

Hes shaking

Theres no act, theyre all probably standing ready to fight

My brain was on the ghosts from Crimson Peak

imagine after her burrows against derek, Derek is all 'Stiles, look at me. You're safe'

And Stiles pulls back to look at him and its leaning over Dereks shoulder

His heart literally skips a beat and his eyes just roll back

They take him to Deaton after this and try to explain what Stiles has told them

but honestly theyre realising they werent really listening

Deaton works his druid magic and he recoils

'He's being haunted by a very malicious spirit'

Theyre going to need an exorcist, he knows someone but they will take a few days to arrive

And this infuriates his ghost


imagine bruises apearing on his skin as they watch

Deaton probably has to contact his friend who gives him a spell to do to protect him until he gets there

But theyre missing some ingredients

Im also imagining they get a glimpse of it during the exorcism

Stiles has night terrors after

Initially the pack tried keeping watch over him

but they quickly realise he needs a bit more tangible help

Scott has no problem with sleepovers

But something comes up where he is unavailable

Derek of course offers his help...gruffly




ohhhh this turned out SOOOO good!!! I truly love stiles' expression and body language. You captured it so beautifully. And Derek looking so coughprettycough protective and safe. Like he's not panicky which would do more harm right now than good. Thiis just overall is a wonderful piece!


Who wouldn’t want a Derek after waiting from a nightmare