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Song was Pieces by Red 

'Gladio! Th-thank you for meeting me. I-'

'Stop calling us Prompto.'

'Give me your phone.'

'B-but I thought...'

Gladio's being Noct's shield and sometimes that means shielding him from people they thought were friends

And of course they're wrong

Prompto though he was finally being given a chance to explain himself when Gladio had sent a text with a time and place

But he's just too trusting and he believes in these people more than they do in him

this is a very stark reminder of the fact

And this part is what the song brought to mind

"I tried so hard, thought I could do this on my own. Ive lost so much along the way'

Gladio would get into the car, once the doors closed and the tinted windows hide him he would sag

Maybe even look back up the street

Shake his head and put the car in gear

He cant do the angry wheel smash

He'd just break it


I also feel like Noctis would either be taken out of the classes they share or that they would assume Prompto would keep his distance

Which of course he would, he'd do anything for those boys

The thing Gladio and Ignis totally neglected was that Prom absolutely learned their numbers

Imagine tho

depending on how fast the resolution could be

If we're going for a slow burn

Prom decides, well - I have nothing better to do right now. Might as well fast track my way out of school

Imagine that revelation for the teachers - it was actually Noct holding Prom back

not the other way around

Noctis stays consistent


can he have that revelation too XD


Nocts always had good grades, he has to and...teachers might be a bit kinder in their grading

Jeli XD

One day Prompto just stops coming to school

While his classmates are not the kindest, the teachers are probably a bit like 

*gruff* 'well done Prompto'

Like, he's had so much on his plate with job, training, hanging out with Noctis

his school work was rushed

I also feel like that would freak Noct out, he would probably get on Ignis' case 


Ignis is like 'I imagine his *activities they thought he was involved in* probably took precedence and he dropped out'

Noct is like 'BUT IGNIS'

Until Ignis actually looks into it

'Huh....it seems he's graduated....'

Thats not fitting the picture they created of Prompto at all


Only Ignis is not happy with that answer

And can NOT leave it alone

Because the school has never gone easy on Prompto with grades so these wouldnt be fake

Maybe its time for some surveillance

Proms like 'wow really?? They actually dont trust me to even be out of their sight???'

Because PLEASE, that CAR, in this neighbourhood

Ignis and Gladio sinking down in their seats in the car not that Prom can see them

As he pics up a windshield wiper, shoves a note under it and leaves it snap back down and stalking off

'You got what you want, now leave me alone'

Imagine him writing back to Luna - 'NOPE.'

'Thanks but no thanks, send puppy for pets but then thats it'

I also feel like Prom would make new friends

He's a dishwasher at the bar the Glaives use

He has occasional escorts on his way home if he finishes late at night

and tails when he's told them he's fine


Figures starting ot follow Prom and being dragged into an alley and choked out by Crowe


AWWWWW T AT baby gets adopted


Nyx is like 'call us to pick you up if the weathers bad??? can't have you arriving in here like a drowned rat'

They've seen that a few times


and actually that's really sweet and sad given that as so many of the glaives suffered so much at the hands of nifleheim that they then look out for a kid that's clearly descended from there T AT

reminds them there's people on both sides T wT


'Gimme your phone' and Proms like 'cant hurt' and passes it to them and Nyx goes into the contacts

'Mother' 'Father'

And general numbers

clinic, work, work 2

No one else and like they dont comment but it goes from Just Nyx's no to EVERYONE at the table

All adding dumb emojis

And sending themselves texts and Proms like JFC MY DATA YOU ASSHOLES

Imagine one night its some big Glaive celebration and Gladio's dragged along as well as some others

And Prom who is normally really playful with them is stiff as a board

Theyre asking him questions and he's giving one word answers

'Hey did you get your acceptance letter????'



'I got in'


And maybe theres a moment later where theyre a little tipsy and one of them is like

'What the fuck did you do to scare the shit out of him??'

And Gladios like 'Maybe ask him what he did??' because hes defensive

Prom is furious

'ACTUALLY, you know what? You guys can believe whatever shit you made up but this isn't Ruin Promptos Life Part 2'

Gladios gaping

Prom is like 'these are my friends-' *sends searching looks at them* theyre nodding

'-and you don't get to pass on your third hand information to them like it's fact'

Theyre like 'yeah Gladio, no offense man, but we see whats in front of us and thats a good kid'

'A man' Prompto adds



'What do you mean third hand?'

'You had your chance to listen to me.'

At the end of the night theyre like

'OKAY, WHOS THE MOST SOBER??? Someone needs to walk the baby home'


'That kid is a magnet for trouble'

Gladio is the most sober, he didnt really feel like getting drunk after seeing Prom there

He pretty much gets the shovel talk

Is told NOT to interact, to follow at a distance

Gladios follows and true enough Prom the idiot has headphones in and looks like the perfect target for a mugging

He does some looming and scaring people off

Follows Prom to a place they didnt even know he lived

He always shook off their tails when they were following him

Was all the avoidance and secrets because he didnt live with his parents and was a minor

And at the time they would have made a big deal out of it and Prompto didnt want to alienate his parents

He always hoped for their acceptance

Like it was probably strange to them to see him working so much but never having money

Never wanting them to call over

Maybe they had even looked up his parents and there was some red flags there

His father was involved in some dodgy connections

maybe some things Prompto said really matched up with this idea that they had created

And even Noctis was having a hard time refuting it

Like his father was having a meeting with some bad people and coincidentally Prompto was busy that night and his responses to messages were delayed

And he was like 'sorry sorry, phone was offline for a while'

Which like, you turn your phone off so it doesnt ping cell towers

And put you where you shouldnt be during crimes

Proms just died as he got to his shift and he had to wait till he got home

Prompto actually didnt have a clue what his parents were involved in

Maybe they asked him to deliver mail for them on occasion

'Prompto, there should be a letter that arrived - if you could write this new address and send it. Don't open it.'


thats a very innocuous thing to ask of someone

But its like

His prints are all over this

his handwriting

Maybe THATS what they found

There was some big bust and everything was checked

He was probably called into a meeting at the citadel and honestly they would have dismissed him

In the sense of 'sorry, youre out - this is a risk we cant take'

But also 'he genuinely didnt know anything'

Like theyre looking at face value

And Promptos never shown signs of this, but its best to nip it in the bud just in case he chooses his father over the crown

with the boys theyre hearing this - they've had suspicions

theres messy dirty feelings involved

Prompto in the pic being like 'I don't know what I've done'

the Glaives were like 'Gladio, bro, dude, we're gonna need you to sort this shit out with Prompto because you cant come to bros night if youre upsetting him'

Maybe one of the nosier Glaives was like 'actually I want to know what went down'

And Gladio tells him but like, a lot more hesitance in his delivery than before

Because things havent been adding up

And nosy Glaive transports it back and theyre like 'oh wow, I remember that - the guy wasnt even a niff tho???'

'Hes adopted I think'

Theyre all 'Oh WOW, I didnt realise the kid involved in that was Prompto, wasn't he cleared tho??'

ALSO maybe Promptos dad is actually in prison and Prom hasnt a clue

He never got much of a response from his parents

They are VERY mad on Promptos behalf because wow his father is an asshole

I do think while they would be like 'oh BOY' with Gladio

They would also understand that Noctis is priority number one

Their mental process if totally different and Prom being cut off for having criminal ties in any form isnt beyond the crown

They just thought they were better

That would be a scandal of immense proportions if the media got a hold of it

Noctis would have been like 'So the fuck what!'

because Prompto didnt have any involvement but......they didnt realise that

So, they fucked up

I think the Glaives would be like 'Listen Gladio - you're gonna want to read these reports'





Omg this hurts so much. Like I’m gonna need a happy ending for this. Poor prompto.

Asidian Morris

This is heartbreaking and so, so good