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Im feeling like 

HEY so prom, we've been together this whole time and hiding it from you but like, would you want to join in 


lol with a nervous bb you never know what way that is gonna go 



'Youve known me for like 5 years...and been together yourselves for most of those?? why now?'

Something to spice it up 

oh imagine 

They waited till they left insomnia because Proms not exactly subtlle 

And the cameras are always watching  

So he's like 'So...you knew I liked you?'

Ignis like 

Omg Gladio please dont speak for the next 30 minutes

He sees how fraught this situation is 

Ignis already knows Gladio will get defensive 

i like the thought tho if gladio while messing up is also the one to fix it 

Ignis' expression will reflect the situation a bit better 

But yess 

Proms totally uncomfortable 

When they asked him to sit and talk after they'd gotten in from 'running errands' 

aka date night where they discussed confessing 

Ignis is like 

That is NOT a promising face 

And Gladnoct are like BLIND by their enthusiasm 

i just imagine Ignis' hand by Noct gently touching him like 

'Pay more attention Noct' 

He sees Proms eyes flick to the movement 

And hes like 'OH we're in TROUBLE trouble huh?' 

'S-shall I start on dinner? Give you time to think' 

'Didnt you guys eat already?' 

'Well I was going to make something for you, perhaps something light - Gladiolus can always eat...' 

And theres the distinction again, you and us 

'I'm not very hungry, theres no need' 


'Are you sulking??' 


'Prompto, ignore him, please.' 

'What the fuck??' 


Gladio was probably expecting enthusiastic consent 

And Prom to JUMP at the offer 

Theyre fine af

Noct has been pushing for this for a while so he's stoked 


Like XD Gladio try and consider how this would look from the outside 

from his POV 


Ignis would probably try to kick him out of the room before he could do more damage 

Which is making him MADDER 


I do love tho that proms not like 

IMMEDIATLY here for this 

like the secrecy clearly hurt 

and thats not something you brush off just to jump into bed with peeps 


yes! I kind of imagine Gladio is like 'No ones forcing you, like geez you'd think you would appreciate this but nooo' 


oh OOF Gladio NO 

god I do kinda love that when gladios emotional he just 

says shit 

that will come back to bite him in the ass 


Ignis is like 'Gladiolus, I'm going to say this once and will not be repeating myself - you can take that gaslighting to the next room or we're going to have issues' 

Gladio is like .....'HMPH' because now Ignis has said that hes like 'yikes yeah the toxicity jumped right out '


He's seething but now its more at himself...and also Prom 

and Ignis 

Noct is just like D8 

He'd probably reach for Prom and Prom would scoot his leg to the side before he can lay his hand on there 

There would probably be some Prom and Ignis discussions in the future too 

'Would you help me with dinner?' 

And then 'Tell me what you're thinking' 

Maybe Prom tells him how small and unimportant it made him feel 

And that if they could wait that long they can't want him that badly 

Ignis pushes the onions towards him when he hears him get a bit choked up 

You can pretend its the onions Prom

He'd tell him that whatever Promptos decision they would respect it 

And then shit hits the fan before he can say no 

which was his plan 

I'm imagining a situation where either just Prom gets taken or Prom and one of the others 

Gladio goes Hulk mode 

whether he's the one captured with Prom or looking for them 

You can imagine them going to hurt Prom and hes like 'I will BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY' 


actions not words, gladios strong point 



And maybe before that happened Prom had asked to talk to them later that day and Ignis shakes his head mournfully because he knows its going to be a no 

But after the capture he said 'Umm...can I have a little more time?' 


but yeah i figure if Gladios not the one captured then his reaction to Prom and the other person once they find them would be so similar that Proms like ...huh... 

Gladio was so worried that something would happen to Prom and his last memory of Gladio would be of him being a Class A Asshole 

Cupping his face 'Are you hurt?' 


Gladio hugs him 


'You said you werent hurt?? Fuck!!' 

'I was saying 'not badly...D:' 

'Ignis?? Are you alright?' 

'Fine, they focussed more on Prompto' 


Back to Prom 

'Iggy, way to throw me under the bus??' 

'It was now, or I tell them later' *shrug* 

And then he adds 'No more secrets anymore' 

Can you imagine when they turn the charm on 

Say the things they wanted to but restrained themselves 

'Don't wear those jeans today, we have a lot to do' 

'Wh-what? They're comfortable' 

'Yeah but I can't stop staring at your ass when you wear them

I'll get nothing done' 

'Gladio!! D:' 


... prom torture them get the most booty of booty shorts 


And Nocts like 

'Remember that time when we were helping Dave and we were leaving and he was STARING and you made sure to walk between him and Prom the whole way to the Regalia?? 8D' 

'You what???' 

D;< 'hes a perv' 

'You literally jsut admitted to doing the SAME THING' 

But yeah, it would just be much more natural after that 

Ignis knows of his insecurities 

So they can try to negate them 

'G...guys I have my answer' 

'Uh...if the offers still there I-' 

'IT IS.' 

Ignis pinches the bridge of his nose 

Noctis please 




If you haven’t already, I would HIGHLY recommend reading surveycorpsjean’s FFXV fics on AO3. There are some similar themes happening and oof, the feelings hurt so good


I LOVE the difference in open stances vs closed stances. Iggy seeing what the other two can't is also a very nice thing to see. I've seen/read too many things where Iggy just doesn't understand Prom's POV at all and it makes me so sad! 🥺 So this was very nice to read! Even if it still made me sad 🥲🤣


I absolutely love this idea and the subtle, amazing execution of it in your art! At first glance it looks like the boys just having a sit-down together, but then with the context of the story you can SEE everyone's different attitudes/reactions. Gladio and Noct are just confidently excited, looking forward to what they're sure is going to be an enthusiastic yes - Gladio's already got a possessive arm half draped around Prompto. The contrast between their expressions and Prompto's unsure, slightly resentful sadness/confusion and Ignis' sadly knowing gaze is great. I love Iggy's quiet understanding of Prompto, the thought of their quiet discussions about this give me life