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Using this Tiktok for premise


'what are you doing just wearing a sweater, its freezing out' 

'I ah.. AH' 

omg i just imagined a moment 

With some of the higher ups in court talking to Noctis about laying off his coziness with Prompto because the media was starting to question his sexuality 

'I'm sure you can see this is the best choice for the kingdom' 


'H-Highness, this is not up for debate' 

And Clarus is like 'I clearly heard him say 'No' so I fear it might be- OH WELL' 

Ignis adds 'I don't see why its an issue, we're a progressive institute and his Highness has never shown anything but the highest regard towards his people'

As soon as the girl leaves the elevator Nocts like OMG LET ME IN IM FREEZING




Hahaha this is adorable and the second pic is so CUTE. All the different expressions ahhh.