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I took a two week hol to America to go see BTS with Natalie and omg I had an amazing time.

We drove 13 hrs from seattle to Cali, then another 5 to LA and stopped in to see Asidian and Beanclam on the way to LA which was AMAZING. Had candied yams for the first (and last) time - very tasty but WOW my stomach disagreed.

BTS was just an incredible experience, I've never been to a concert like that and ugh it was just so amazing to break from the pandemic for some organised chaos. Fans were so good with mask wearing so that made you feel a lot safer.

Hit up Six Flags on the way back and X''DD A very strange complaint is that they were too quiet? So by the 6th rollercoaster in 2 hours I was about ready to pass out because we had no downtime in between because there were no queues. 

The downside was that I caught my first cold in a helluva long time (Thanks Nat's sister XD I'd normally wear masks around sick people but while her sis would have put up with it the brother in laws a trumpet and would take great offense so I took one for the team. 

The cold is toying with the idea of becoming an infection and im SO sore from coughing but it is what it is. 

I had all of the good food, made Nat and me my fave spicy soup for our colds XD to clear sinus'

And then Omicron happened.

The airline I was flying home with cancelled my connecting flight and rebooked me on an earlier one with NO notification of the change - I'm a nervous flyer so i spotted when I was checking the day before.

Nat drove us to the airport then so we could speak in person to someone because the twitter helper was like *shrug*

Not to mention Irelands rules on reentry were constantly shifting and went from 'PCR 72 hrs before flight' to 'PCR 72 hrs before arrival in country' and I was travelling over 2 days so my 150$ test was suddenly useless and when did I discover this? 

At the gate. 

When i went to board.

So ended up having to move my flight to the next day, Natalie was an absolute godsend and organised a hotel room for me for the night - i was gonna be sleeping in the airport and then had to drop another 250$ the next morning on another PCR. I had an older lady that I took under my wing because the same thing happened to her.

During the night, in the comedy that is my life, flo arrived 3 days early. 

So we make it to the flight and board and then get stuck on the plane for almost an hr on arrival because the air bridge broke so like all I take away from this was that I was not supposed to leave America.

I just passed out for 2 days once I got home. I missed you all and drawing for you so I'm gonna be making up for it in the next few days. Incredible stressful end to the trip but worth ever second of stress.

But I also want to say that I'm SO grateful for you all for supporting me!!

Thank you so much!

(I just typed this while I waited for some meds to work their chemical magic so I'm hoping to stream shortly!)



Welcome back 💖 I’m glad you had fun! I was at the concerts too and they were amazing 🥲💖💖 so happy I got the chance to go.


Yasss, what day were you at? It really is such an incredible experience

Jacquelyn Mela

Wow! Sounds very eventful there at the end. As if traveling isn't stressful enough.