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"...it's not as bad as it looks...i think..."


im just imagining Ignis walking up behind Noct

'What are you - oh goodnes!'

He is absolutely not okay but he's right in that its not as bad as it looks

He's thrown up so much he definitely needs fluids

But he bit his tongue at one point

He's probably also puked his throat raw so theres blood from that too

He's probably also puked his throat raw so theres blood from that too

He'll still need a trip to the ER

'Why didnt you call one of us??'

'I didn't think it was that bad....'

Noct is ready to throttle him


'Prom...if it was me should I just wait it out'

'No that would be....oh'

'Yeah. Oh.'




He looks 2 seconds from passing out 😳😅 Here comes a weeks worth of being pampered at Noct's place cuz no way they're taking him back home after the ER visit 💕


Absolutely, they've also realised they can't trust him to ask for help so if he misses a day of school they will not take him for his word and will check in. They should have realised anyway considering he will usually drag his sick ass to school so he has to be extra bad