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"look what you made me do"


im going with

Prom gets a bf during brotherhood era

you think i want to do this?


i see you're keeping to your "if he touches prom, he's gotta be an 8+" rule

i wanna punch his stupid handsome face





i feel like Prom would have this like indebted feeling towards him

Like hes too hot for me

Can't believe he likes me


prommmm there's def a reason why he's interested...it's part the cuteness, part the vulnerability



pretty and so trusting


the perfect combination to attract a narcissist. 


'Baby, it hurts me to do this'


Despite their initial reservations Gladio and Ignis found themselves attached to the Prince’s little blonde pal. The turning point had come when they saw how happy he made Noctis.  Gone was the sulky reticent teen and the boy in his place was barely recognisable as the same person.

Ignis noticed little things, Noctis cleaning up after himself, thanking Ignis and generally being kinder to Gladio and himself. He knew Noctis was suspicious of their loyalties- whether they were there because they were paid to be or because they were his friends. He could clearly remember the day Prompto had admonished Noctis for his tone when he was speaking to Ignis, had even called the Prince ungrateful - of course this was followed by a flurry of apologies and some shaky breaths before Noctis had calmed the boy

“Gladio?” Prompto had begun hesitantly, he and Prompto were waiting for Ignis and the prince to return from one of their meetings. They were both playing one of the newest games in Noctis’ collection, one which Prompto hadn't had a chance to play yet due to his absence and the kid truly hadn't been around for a few weeks.

Gladio had noticed the decline in Noctis’ mood and patience when the blonde wasn't there to distract him. At first he’d thought they had fallen out but he’d seen them walking to the school gate together on a number of occasions, the blonde just didn't seem to come by the apartment any more.

“Hunh?” he grunted at the blonde urging him to continue.

“If a guy is dating a girl and they’ve been sleeping together, is it umm,” Gladio glanced to the side and he imagined he could almost feel the heat that had to be radiating from the kids cheeks. He smirked as Prompto searched for words but the smile slipped away when the blonde continued “weird if they say no to sleeping together but the guy does it anyway - and they’ve done it before” Gladio caught a glimpse of his character being obliterated in his peripheral as he turned his attention to Prompto. Anger welled up inside him.

“Prompto, did you do something?!”  The red on the boy's cheeks was even more prominent as the colour drained from the rest of his face.

“Oh Six no, I wouldn't” Gladio felt the tension ease a little “I just, it seems like kind of a grey area because they’re already sleeping together and I just wasn't sure”

“It's pretty black and white Prompto” Gladio growled “No means no.” Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the key in the door and Prompto turned around smiling wide.

“Prom!” Noctis bounded over to the sofa tackling the blonde and Gladio forgot about the weird conversation as he watched the boys horsing around. He stood up and went to help Ignis with the groceries more to avoid the flailing limbs than any kind of goodwill.

Later that night he was eating with Noctis and Ignis, the brunette having made a delicious curry. He was surprised that Prompto hadn't stuck around to eat - the kid definitely had a weakness for spicy foods, but he had claimed to have plans before slipping away. There was an odd twist to Noctis’ lips as he left and Ignis was the one who said what they all were thinking.

“He’s lost weight for certain, next time we shall insist that he stay for dinner.” For some reason it brought to mind the conversation Gladio had with the blonde earlier and he spoke without thinking.

“Does Prompto have a girlfriend?”  Noctis shook his head no and Gladio felt that knot of tension from earlier start to unravel.

“He has a boyfriend though.” Noctis muttered disdainfully. “Gladio?”

Gladio felt like Noctis had upended a bucket of ice water down the back of his shirt. Ignis was also looking at him with some concern. Gladio rubbed the back of his hand across his mouth as he tried to gather his thoughts, there was a lot of pieces starting to click together and Gladio was not liking the picture it was creating.

Not one tiny bit.

“Shit” he hissed “God fucking- shit!” he stood up “We need to go get him. Now.”

“What we need, is for you to calm down and tell us what's going on.”

“I’m ninety percent certain Prompto told me that his boyfriend” he spat the word out, lip curling in disgust “has been forcing himself on the kid.” Gladio wanted to break something, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists. Ignis and Noctis had stood but seemed to be speechless. Gladio growled starting to pace.

“How could we not have seen it, he’s a classic case…”

“Gladio, we must not be hasty”

“What do you mean?” Noctis begged.

“Weight loss, isolation, withdrawal from friends.  He asked me if it was okay to still have sex with someone if they said no when you're in a relationship.” Ignis’ expression went ice cold and he was standing up.

“We need to go get Prompto and clear this up.”




Um, just a few hours ago I found out about almost the exact same situation happening to a friend of mine. 😟 What are the odds- lovely art as always but that threw me for a loop 🥴


It's shockingly normal, i imagine that must have been jarring. I how you're friend is safe.