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undivided attention


I feel like he's been trying ot talk to them about something for a while

I have this feeling like Noct is either at the Citadel or hospital

Like if he's at the citadel its for nearly killing the person who did this

So he's being questioned

Cor has come from there

But thats why i think Noct isnt there

Not because he was taken and thats why theyre suddenly giving Prom the time of day

But like Proms been trying to tell them that he's noticed a person repeatedly

And they're like, no offense prom, but we're literally trained to spot stuff like that

Yeah theyre trained to see eyes on Noct

Eyes on anyone other than the three of them would go under the radar

So right here he's hurt and feels angry but like

Prom version of angry

where he internalises it and twists is until he can somehow blame himself

'Maybe he sounded a bit ridiculous, he could have phrased it better'

Theyre good people, they wouldnt let him get hurt on purpose

But yes and with Noct

I'm gonna give him an out


when you know the difference between characters prom blames him self noct would be on his death bed saying "told you so" and looking damn smug XD

He was run off his feet busy with Prince duties and school

And then the training

So he hadnt actually heard Prom mention it

or he would have been LOOKING

But he was almost unwell from the level of work being pushed on him

Which is probably while Ignis was a bit dismissive to Prompto because they've been hypervigilant with Noctis


but also sir

listen to the kid who spends his life looking for good pics if he notices a detail off


Its almost insulting Prompto would be calling their ability into question


its gonna stand out like a sore thumb


yesss Drai!

So he's heading home and he's jumped

Noctis belatedly remembered somethign he needed to say to Prompto - he has the weekend free AT LAST so he wants Prom to clear his schedule

He's like 'Ah, I can catch up to him rather than texting'

Gets there to see whats happening to Prompto and loses his cool

Probably heard the shout from Prom and rushed

Which leaves the 2 options

Noctis getting hurt while helping

He's not at his best yet, he's still rundown and he wasnt really expecting this

Maybe he takes a knock to the head when he fails at a warp

but the crownsguard are already showing up so the guy runs. Noctis taking off without a guard is very much frowned on

Theyre aware it wasnt Proms fault

Maybe they overhear something

'I'm not done with you yet'

To Prompto who is already bent over Noctis shielding him

I kind of want it very apparent that Prom was the target and at no fault

Theyre just outside Nocts so its easiest to take Prompto back up while Noctis is carted away

And then the other option is like i was saying

That Noct loses himself and nearly beats the guy to a pulp - feeling slight omen Noct vibes when he's run down

Like imagine it like - omen Noct is a reserve when he's running on empty

So with this Noctis has to be pulled from the guy

Or they try and its only when Prom begs him that he relents

lol in both scenarios...someone goes to hospital

So then we're back to Noctis being carted off to be questioned and Prom is taken up to the apartment

Ignis and Gladio are probably now remembering Prompto's concerns

It got messy very fast

I feel like it's when Cor arrives to take his version of events

He's so hesitant to talk about it because well, he's already tried and it fell on deaf ears

Cue Iggy saying 'We're listening *now*'

They're probably trying to get him to sit down

The adrenaline is running out though so he just leans and is very adamant about staying there

Cor is probably like 'WOW A BIG SLIP ON BOTH OF YOUR PARTS'

More training is in their future

He's probably a bit skittish in telling everything that happened and was said

He's talked himself into such a corner in his head

'they just need the basics - they wont care about the personal stuff'

They want to know the Noct related stuff

Imagine Cor being like 'Would you like Scientia and Amicitia to leave the room?'

'wha-what no???'

'I think it would be for the best if we spoke privately, lets step into Noctis' room'

Gladio and Ignis are mournful looking but nodding along


A scene thats been in my head

Cor comes over to him, gentle and on his shoulder to coax him to move

Prom steps away from the wall and theres a bloody streak where he was standing


And his legs buckle

Cor catches him and scoops him up, the're going to Noctis' room now for a different reason

I dont imagine it being anything terrible

Like a shallow knife wound

He doesnt even remember it happening

So Cor gets him into Noctis's room on the bed, probably checks the injury real quick and decides it's not endangering his life so they call the Citadel doctor to come by

And ambulance outside the Prince's apartment building would cause too much trouble

The collapse was more shock than anything which is still dangerous but easily treated until the doctor gets there

Get him warmed up

I imagine he wakes up to Noct sitting at his bedside

He still has to give a full report later but Cor is content to call by later in the day so he doesnt have to go anywhere

Noctis probably filled in some blanks about what was happening as he arrived

Cor had some assumptions but wants to hear it from Prompto himself

Wakes all cozy in bed, wounds treated. Ignis and Gladio's hangdog expressions as they try to wait on him 

Constantly apologising

And everytime he says 'It's okay, really'

He gets a chorus of 'Its really not'

A mostly happy ending except in the hospitalised Noct - the guy's still out there

Noctis gets his weekend off

Where he can pamper Prom




The whole conversation of this 👀 that last part 🥲❤ I love this a lot. I especially love the idea of a bit of ptsd happening when Cor reaches for him. He's still in shock and his body just flinches away before he even thinks about it. Then they see the blood on the wall. And once Cor gets Prom in Noct's room, I imagine a scene before the collapse where he breaks down crying cuz oh boy trauma. Just realizing that he could have been hurt a lot worse because of no one listening to him and feeling like its all his own fault.... I'm gonna go cry now because of this brain rot. Thank you. 😭


Yeah honestly i think prompto could turn anything into being his fault. I like to be vague when describing what noctis found because i know your mind will fill in worse than i probably would say. Thank you so much.