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i was going for regular pre roadtrip boys

Like Prom is used to no one making a big deal of his hurts

'oh its fine, Cor dismissed him'

Prom honestly thinks Cor was a bit harsh

The guy lost his parents to Niffs

Its understandable that he snapped

Imagine if when a Phoenix down is used theres soem memory loss

Like, you forget the 'dying' part

Prom thinks they just used a potion

Gladios about to come bursting in the door having heard the full story

Cor's probably a bit shaken by it


Because he didnt see it coming

They were sparring and next thing the guys wrapping his hands around Proms neck

Ignis here is probably thinking it was a close call

Maybe at this point he and Gladio were still relatively indifferent to him

Gladio sweeping him into a hug

'Gods, how stupid are you'

'Uh, r-rude??'

The realisation that for all they act like he's disposable

The thought of him actually being gone has shaken them to their core

my first thought with this too

was that Ignis' thoughts would also be on Noctis


Do they get a scarf?? because he's going ot lose his shit

'I finished early, Noct said it was okay if I waited here'

'I-is it okay?'



Carla Rivera

yessss I love this 🤩🤩