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im just imagining 

'A toast to the happy couple'

and prom raises the glass and then sets it down without drinking from that one

He'll drink plenty before the nights out

I feel like theyre like really just so in love 

Im imagining Luna didnt die and what if she went into the Crystal with Noctis

So they've really strengthened the bond and relationship 

if you remember a few streams back i had an idea where Noct got married and had kids

I'm imagining they have a few years together and on their second child Luna dies in child birth

But she is at peace with it and confides in Noctis that she was never meant to live so long

So she was happy that they had so much more time together than she ever thought

So it's sad for them but they appreciate the time they've had and their beautiful children

i very much want it to be that they were in love and there was no Luna coming in between

Like for Noctis - ten years is a long time and what he felt for Prompto before going into the crystal has probably faded and he's fallen for Luna

when he comes out its a very short reunion and then they take on and defeat ardyn

theres no time for anything to be rekindled for Noctis but Prom on the other hand has been PINING

And missing

and where they stood when Noctis went into the Crystal still exists for him but its long gone for Noctis

So after this it would be very easy for Prompto to disappear from Noctis' side

Not so easy to get away from Gladio and Ignis

The one thing about Promptos situation is he and the other boys are VERY sought after bachelors except oop Gladnis come out

So for the general public prompto is the IDEAL trophy husband

And he thinks, you know what - I deserve someone to love me and to be loved. I waited so long

So he lets himself be courted

He's clearly more into the men but like hes not selling himself short

One problem

Prompto has terrible judgement

These people fighting over him are just looking for a trophy - they're not looking for someone to love

Just someone to show off

And he may also be a little biased in his decisions because he's looking more at people who are not from the general vicinity

Not great when you suddenly find yourself on the other side of the world from your friends with a very controlling partner

and its not like prompto cant defend himself

but he's always been so weak to words

So by the time Luna passes even Gladio and Ignis havent heard from him for a while

I kind of imagine the funeral would be the first time in a long time that they see him

Because obviously the invitations were sent far and wide

If you can picture a person petting Proms cheek and pecking his lips before they get out of the car. "Don't embarrass me in there, love"

He's been made into the most beautiful trophy 

He was rough around the edges in the beginning

Im just imagining him even being tasked with finding info for his husband

To see if theres any opportunity for him to move up the chain

Noctis has probably become aware over time of Proms absence

The invitation was made out ot him rather than his partner

Imagine Noctis seeking him out

perhaps to ask him to meet him for lunch sometime in the next few days

Proms partner is SO READY for that

Im picturing a disgruntled Noctis when Prompto AND the husband arrived

He had wanted it to be the 4 of them and his babies

Prompto would be so formal to Noctis too - probably more to not embarrass his husband by being overly familiar

'C'mon Prom' says Gladio 'we're all friends here - no need for that majesty bullshit'

He's just hmm and absolutely keep doing it

after the bros are like

'So we hate him??'



I imagine Ignis and Gladio being like 'thats not our Prom'

And its like 

Noct is learning how little he knows about Prompto anymore and maybe he's a little envious of how Gladio and Iggy talk about him

Sometimes they'll start reminiscing all these things that happened during WOR

And maybe they even drag a little of the old Prom out during the meal

Like talking ot the husband - 'You should have seen what this guy used to get up to'

Also Prom being made hold the baby

Noctis getting right in his space to settle the baby

draping the spit up cloth on his shoulder

'Yeah keep your hands - exactly - just like that'

Proms instantly like '....i would die for her...'

Im imagining the kids have taken on Lunas features too

A lil blonde boy and a darkhaired girl

So when they eventually get together - they just look like the perfect family




Oh god I might have to write this fanfic…


I need a continuation of this


I’m sorry. You missed a piece of my heart while you were ripping it out. 🥲