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"how many times do I have to tell you?"



what if

this is a tutor his parents got

all they see is that theyre getting results

because hes TERRIFIED

imagine Prompto losing it over a bad test resultin front of Noctis


the slap coming from one side and the stick on the other, the way Prom is bracketed is just so threatening T.T


yessss exactly and he could use either

so who knows which side its coming from


you know mr tutor sir

if a student isnt grasping something its likely YOUR fault

and not his

oh man the smarting ear and cheek


Fluffing his hair over it the next day

He's be so twitchy during class

And then a teacher has a quiz and he's like

'Look, this isnt going to be towards your final grade i just want to get an idea what kind of retention you have and what i might need to go over'

So its older material they did earlier in the semester

Prom is blank as he looks at it

just seized by panic

the temptation to cheat would be real


dont do it bb


yeah just flunk

Surely he'll see that the questions weren't what they went over


omg tho imagine if the tutor like purposefully sabotaged him too so he'd be hired on longer


ooof yeah

I was also imagining like 

He'd have a dress code for Prompto when he's there

Like he's going to make a proper student out of Prom

I'm imagining Noct coming home with him one of the days when he has a tutoring session

And the tutors like 'umm wow'

And has to behave but he's still SIGHING

And rolling his eyes over proms mistakes

Noct just works on his own work on the other side of the desk

Yeah i imagine after Nocts like

'man that is totally unprofessional - he shouldnt be doing that'

Proms thinking - you have no idea dude




Bro I can just imagine that Noct would be suspicious about that tutor and make up an excuse to send Ignis over during one of those sessions and imagine it’s somewhere in the middle of Prom becoming part of the group too, so like Gladio still doesn’t really like him but Ignis has grown softer and managed to build up some semblance of trust between him and Prompto because Ignis spends more time around the blonde than Gladdy does so he’s gotten to know him better. Enough so that Prom has given him a spare key that’s just been gathering dust after a bad case of fever that had him pass out before reaching the door (luckily unlocked so Iggy and Noct didn’t have to break it down) and told Ignis that, “if the door is unlocked just knock and enter don’t wait for me, if it’s locked please just ring the doorbell and wait or like when it’s unlocked just knock on the door and unlock it to come in!” Noct knowing that Prom trusts Ignis enough that he can just enter, he’s rigging it Gladio and him have training so he can’t come with but that just means that Gladdy doesn’t have to know that Ignis is at Prom’s place according to Noct “feed him some! He let it slip he ran out of funds and doesn’t have anything but Cup Noodles” so Ignis goes to deliver a nutritious home cooked meal not expecting to walk in on the sweet sunshine be slapped, by a private TUTOR nonetheless! Oh how satisfying it is to see that sorry excuse of a teacher tremble as he holds one of his daggers at his neck! Protective Iggy to the rescue! (Iggy is well aware of the fact Noct sent him to Prom’s to catch this exact moment, he’s thankful) Gladdy is not tho once he brings Noct back tho his apartment only to see the blondie at the table but quickly realizes something wrong as the kid is shaking and crying and mumbling nonsense along the lines of “I’m sorry I’m a failure!” And “I can do better I promise! I’ll make sure my grades don’t fall please don’t hit me!” And Ignis is trying to calm and comfort him because the abuse’s been going on for far longer than any of them has known Prompto and the red flags make so much more sense now! Ignis is probably on the verge of tears himself mumbling back “No one is ever gonna hit you for anything Prompto! Especially if you haven’t done anything worthy of being hit for in your life”poor babies!!! I can only imagine 17yo Ignis! Still a minor by LAW! Trying to be an adult!! But for once realizing that “I’m just a kid Gladiolus! No one listens to me!” He’d tried to report it to a police officer they’d ran into while he was getting Prompto away! But once the officer realizes Ignis’s age doesn’t take him seriously and refuses to hear him out! Ignis is about to pull the “do you know who I am?” Card but feels disgusted at the fact that despite having proof in the form of the bruise on Prom’s face, that there’s something going on that craves that emergency services step in, he’s ignored because “you kids blow things out of proportion! Kid you know false accusations can cause trouble for you parents or legal guardians” Ignis doesn’t let himself cry, he can’t let himself cry! Not in front of Prompto! So after Prom and Noct fall asleep, Iggy breaks down into tears leaning on Gladio! “I’VE NEVER FELT SO YOUNG IN MY LIFE GLADIOLUS!! Why! Just because I’m a minor doesn’t mean I don’t have things of importance to say!” Gladio’s a legal adult! People might listen to him but he needs to know what happened first because he has no context! So he prompts Ignis to tell him what happened and he does explaining Noct sent him to check on Prom and that he’d walked in on a private tutor punishing (read abusing) Prompto! And suddenly Gladiolus is ready to beat someone into a pulp! (I’m tired I might actually wanna turn this into a full fic dude my brain is going a mile a minute about this!!!)