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"can't you see im busy"


i just imagine Proms worked himself up to bringing up something important to Ignis

Like 'okay i'm gonna tell them im struggling'


'You know what?? MAYBE NO'

And ignis is the type he'd come back after and be like 'okay what did you need?'


'Ah, it wasnt important - sorry for disturbing you'


from prom that could mean anything from "i can't find my keys" to "my foot just fell off and im kinda concerned" 


'im being bullied really badly and could use an adult'

Omg can you imagine the person on the phone askign who it was

'Noctis' friend....yes the blonde'

its like almost the same as saying the niff

Ignis would never and he would have shut down anyone

Like i imagine hes on the phone to like Regis or Clarus

So he's extra snippy because he'd got a lot on his plate

and he's baby too

Can you imagine having his responsibility when you were 18

he probably walked up to Ignis and went for it

Ignis had been listening to the person on the phone

And Prom hadnt noticed he was on a call



Carla Rivera

I also thought of a situation where prom's parents suck and they've said the same thing to him before, in a snapping and mean way to where he's too scared to ask them for anything anymore, and he really thought he could trust Ignis or at least that Ignis would listen to him but getting hit with that *exact* same line brings back all that anxiety and leads to Ignis never hearing a peep from prompto after that.... OOF anyway I love the expressions here as always!!!!


Tacking onto that thought, it had me thinking about a bit of avoidant behavior. Like, Prom doesn't mean to but subconsciously, he's less likely to speak to Iggy unless necessary and it probably gets noticed. After a while has already passed. 😬


8D fun fact, i gave ellay the choice of it being bb prom or teen prom because i was between it being his parents or a misunderstanding. That's perfect tho. He absolutely would have such a hard time opening up. Thanks so much!!


Also yesss kiwi, i can totally see that happening. He's also probably bearing himself up for being annoying